He is just upset he can't sperg about relationships because the thread is so horribly derailed.
Excellent job Codex Defense Force™.
Excellent job Codex Defense Force™.
Wait, he wants an option where the screen goes black and you just listen to people making sex noises?archbeast said:Flirt then blackscreen and voices in background.
I want to post something but there's nothing I could post that'd be civil enough.
It's threads like this that make the promancers cause seem even more ridiculous that usually. We should be grateful.
Yeah, Tale deleted all my less than courteous posts.I want to post something but there's nothing I could post that'd be civil enough.
It's threads like this that make the promancers cause seem even more ridiculous that usually. We should be grateful.
The sheer fact the Moderators don't realize this is an obvious troll is astounding. Seriously: detailed nudity? In an isometric game?
And about Isometrics, this is posible in portraits and if the characters have more details but if not then simple "blackscreen" will do. It just depends.
And then the LOL Wrex picture. Come on.
Stamina is not a shield. Health and stamina both take damage when a character is hit, but health typically depletes much slower than stamina.
Sawyer" said:Yes. In most cases, stamina lost to health lost will likely be a variable ratio, but a ratio, nonetheless. Stamina is not a "shield" for health. The simplest analogue for how such a system works is the 1992 game Darklands.
In this example, watch Hans' (first) blue and red (?) bars. The thicker bars are the PCs' stamina (blue) and health (red?) and the thin ones are the stamina and health of the enemies they currently are targeting. Hans goes down with 7 health and the others take lesser amounts of stamina damage throughout the battle. At the end of the fight, Hans pops back up with 20 stamina and other party members regain portions of their stamina as well. Their health values are notrecovered, so Hans and Ebhard are in precarious states.
Will stamina deplete naturally during longer battles as you grow tired from constant exertion (perhaps after a number of rounds equal to ones constitution or what have you,) might that be decided through feats and such, or is it assumed that you trained long hours in order to grow accustomed to the rigours [sic] of the battlefield?
Sawyer said:That's unlikely. I would rather not tie stamina to other actions. The purpose of having the statistic separate from health is to allow short-term damage to have a dramatic impact in a single fight without causing the full weight of that impact to carry over into subsequent battles. D&D addresses this through healing resources (cure x wounds spells/potions and, in 4E, healing surges) which must be spent to buoy party members from one fight to the next. But that does mean that you either have "healer" characters or a lot of healing items/healing resources that any character can use (healing surges). Using stamina as a common, rapidly recovered resource for all characters (that is separate from health) is another way to handle it. Such a system reduces reliance on frequent use of healing resources.