Yeah. All that fuss makes me want to replay it again. Maybe with tech party? And I want Dante. Wonder if I could keep him--Ah yes, Arcanum, so charming.
wait, was that sarcasm?
Eh, I'm not good at sarcasm.
Yeah. All that fuss makes me want to replay it again. Maybe with tech party? And I want Dante. Wonder if I could keep him--Ah yes, Arcanum, so charming.
If you defend Arcanum's combat for any reason, you're a retard. It's as simple as that. The combat may have redeeming qualities, but so do some mass murderers. No one cares that a mass murderer helped old ladies cross the street, donated to the March of Dimes, and was quiet while reading in the library—their transgressions are so great, the redeeming qualities are totally overshadowed and you'd be a jackass to even mention them. So it is with Arcanum's combat.
Ah yes, Arcanum, so charming.
Also "Fuck it! Let's have a level 1 feat that gives +20 strength and one that gives a single hit point!" was not the approach Tim Cain took to Arcanum.
Oh for the love of god Blaine, you need to speak for the public or play in drama, not talk about games.
hey fucktard, can you show me where I have said Arcanum combat is good?
I've said that you were defending Arcanum's combat, which is true, because you were. But you shouldn't have been, because that's retarded.
butEven you surely don't think Arcanum's combat is "excellent". Do you think it's "good"? "Adequate"? "Poor"? "Terrible"?
If you defend Arcanum's combat for any reason, you're a retard. It's as simple as that.
Yes, the mythical strawman, a heavy artillery on the ready, which, whenever gets "thrown", all your arguments are invalid - no matter what was the reasoning of it to begin with or was it made on purpose at all. Handy shit.then threw out strawmen
Which I think is a load of over dramatized crap and even with all it's flaws something Arcanum does't deserve.Arcanum's combat system is unplayable. It can be endured, but "play" indicates engaging with the game in an enjoyable and recreational manner, rather than resigning oneself to profound suffering and meaningless drudgery
"Killl... Meee..."Generally, living beings in games do not want to live.
Actually, I find this line of reasoning baffling.The first part is about Regenerating resource. If you give player that, you automatically ensure that there will be trash mobs and/or regular encounters. Why? Because now you no longer have to worry about players trying to save on things that might become unavailable. So you can throw as many enemies as you like at them.
You can't quantify "balance should be important but not y'know too important." Such attitudes lead to Arcanum.Stop being a complete retard, you're better than this. Arcanum did not have "small inconsistencies", it was broken beyond any form of repair in its character system. comment was not directed at Arcanum however but at your accusation that because I disagree with Sawyer's design philosophy I must inherently have no belief in the basic concept of balance.
And do find me those people who care nothing for balance at all. You claim they exist here, but I doubt it. I do not doubt that people have challenged Sawyer's idea of it, but to outright state people are fine with useless skills in Realms of Arcania or think that +20st/+1HP is a cool system is stupid, and you know it.'s problem is absolutism, and yours is that you believe he will achieve the first system in the world's history which will not have a balance discussion/balance consensus after its release. People here have claimed little else, and your claims that they are blind idiots does little but display your own blind idiocy.
Seems like a worthy goal to me, worthier than Arcanum's. Will very likely result in a much better game too, especially since it's pretty obvious Arcanum's systems came first and then they tried to make content to support it instead of the other way around.We're not attempting a mythical perfect balance. We're attempting to make all of your options potentially appealing both before you play and after you've done a playthrough.
Sorry DraQ, but what? (You are right about the fact that there's even no reloading guns in the game, though, I'd give you that)<..> without giving you mechanical means of bypassing it<...>
PS:T had limited and mostly easily avoidable combat encounters, so even though combat system was shit, it didn't form a large part of the game experience.
Arcanum didn't really have the same luxury.
...but still "occasionaly fun". Or do you *completely* disagree on that one?Arcanum combat was a baffling clusterfuck of derp.
A mixture of broken shit, nonsensical shit, tedious shit, lack of mechanics that would make sense in the context and lackluster presentation...
You can't quantify "balance should be important but not y'know too important." Such attitudes lead to Arcanum.
Arcanum combat was a baffling clusterfuck of derp.
A mixture of broken shit, nonsensical shit, tedious shit
Lack of reloads, characters firing a revolver (or flintlock) like it was FN five-seven with extended 30rd mag, except faster
but it's even more used in video games. It runs most rampant in the RTS and MOBA-communities, and look where that has brought them.
Lack of balance in terms of utility may lead to Arcanum, but balance was hardly the worst problem of Arcanum (if firearms were actually OP instead of magic it would even fit the setting). OTOH attempting balance in terms of power leads to yet another terminally boring scrub/MMO-like design.You can't quantify "balance should be important but not y'know too important." Such attitudes lead to Arcanum.
Baator is what? 3 screens of copypasta Mars-like desert?Sorry DraQ, but what? (You are right about the fact that there's even no reloading guns in the game, though, I'd give you that)<..> without giving you mechanical means of bypassing it<...>
PS:T had limited and mostly easily avoidable combat encounters, so even though combat system was shit, it didn't form a large part of the game experience.
Arcanum didn't really have the same luxury.
While PST obviously just generally had more dialogue in it, more running and less combat, it's actually completely the other way around when it comes to possibilities in avoiding combat alltogether. Planescape did not have any mechanics to avoid combat unless you were inside the dialogue, it had it's own finishing lines and meaningless grinds, maybe less than Arcanum, but still did. Have you forgot crypts, Baator, Curst or Fortress of Regrets (I guess we can give modron maze a pass as it's optional... sort of)?
I never reached the fun part on my attempted playthroughs (didn't go far). Further playthroughs pending....but still "occasionaly fun". Or do you *completely* disagree on that one?
Ok, when I put a flintlock or any other early firearm in game, why exactly is it bad to make it look and feel like an early firearm?Man you are such a 360-degree fag![]()
I never reached the fun part on my attempted playthroughs (didn't go far). Further playthroughs pending.
but it's even more used in video games. It runs most rampant in the RTS and MOBA-communities, and look where that has brought them.
Where's that then?
Grunker, you are having a conversation with your own head. You completely fail to grasp what is being discuss and argue with strawmen instead. In this thread you are being essentially like cptn shrek, except more wordy and less tenacious.
I just recently started a gunslinger type playthrough of Arcanum. It's still early (in Ashbury, but plotwise at the Black Mountain Clan), but I've definitely found the balance issues with guns to be apparent. However, so far the most glaring issues on this front are intimately tied to the broken combat itself. Its not that guns are less powerful, its that the advantages that the game seems to want to give to guns are poorly implemented. The game seems to want guns to have a range advantage over melee and a speed advantage over bows. I don't really care how realistic this is, as long as each of these advantages has an actual effect on gameplay. However, the range advantage is negligible.
Guns' longer range should give them a positioning advantage over melee providing a defensive advantage (by making it harder for melee enemies to attack) and an offensive advantage (using AP that would be required for movement for more attacks). However, positioning in Arcanum is 1) very difficult to do with any precision do to the hidden grid and 2) irrelevant anyway because combat almost always takes place over small spaces and AP is plentiful enough that moving from one target to another has a fairly low opportunity cost. Since movement is cheap enough that both you and enemies can close the range gap and still have AP left to attack, long range attacks provide you with negligible offensive and/or defensive advantages. Additionally, if your line of sight is blocked by an ally, when you click to target an enemy you end up just running right next to them eliminating what little range advantage you had and seriously interfering with using a ranged character as a "back row" attacker.
Another problem, which affects non-melee combat generally is that the combat pacing and lack of control over Allies renders micromanagement is pointless. Any plan you make will be irrelevant by the time it comes time to execute; combatants go down fast and move fast, so, in the period between conception and execution, the constant running around and repositioning will change the battlefield composition significantly. For melee, this isn't a huge issue b/c you're just running around trying to gang up on someone, but for anything that requires spatial planning (namely ranged and AoE attacks) its a giant pain in the ass.
Which isn't to say I'm not enjoying it, but the enjoyment comes from the finding of schematics and crafting the weapons, instead from using them.
Well, it never hurts to practice.Yes, I am enjoying the dumpster diving. Commence self-loathing.
Well, it never hurts to practice.Yes, I am enjoying the dumpster diving. Commence self-loathing.
had to.