First step of three is nearly complete folks. Only Marks remain to be filled on the Industrial Fabricator! Sing a song of victory!
Anyway, I suggest you do not put Marks or Dil into the projects while Fagricator is building. Save them up, we'll need 10,800 Marks for Starbase III along with 648,000 Dilithium, 240 green non-civilian doffs (easy, thanks to Fleet doffs), 9,000 Industrial Energy Cells, 5,500 Self-Sealing Stem Bolts, and 100 Particle Traces.
After that it's the Tailor, where we'll need 2,400 Marks, 160,000 Dil, 15 purple quality civilian doffs, 180,000 Expertise (lol), and 2,500 Entertainment Provisions (that's one bored Tailor).