Well, there's not really THAT much of a difference between Engineer skill point spending and the skill point spending of other classes. In fact, the Engineer has the least excess fluff on their skill needs in Space.
Good to know, but I've for all intents and purposes never played this game before I wouldn't know the point spend for any of the classes.
Well, then I'll post a write-up later today, or you can hook up with our private chat channel and ask there.
Thanks. I appreciate it. Will follow up in the chat if I have any more problems.
Alright, the basic thing is that you'll want to be sure about what ship you'll be using. Ground skills are generally the same class-specific basics, with only Science having a bit of extra.
Now, there are certain skills that you'll always want, regardless of the eventual ship. Most of the first three tiers in Space are skills you'll want from 6-9 (for example, all the weapon and healing skills), with only certain (Attack Patterns for non-Escorts). Batteries and Driver Coil are not vital, but due to how cheap and convenient they are I recommend having at least 3 in them. Particle Generators and Graviton Generators are more iffy, the latter being useless without access to Gravity Well (the anniversary ship has) and the former being a very peculiar case that works here and there. These two are the ones in 1-3 that require more thought. Warp Core Potential, Warp Core Efficiency, Targeting Systems, Shield Systems, Hull Repair, Shield Emitters, and the three Weapons skills should be up to 9 if you don't have screaming need of XP by the end.
The last two tiers differ from the first three in the much heavier diminishing returns due to XP costs. I rarely go over 3 in any of them, and leave several (debuff specials) at no ranks. Specialization on both weapons is recommended at 3 (though if you skip one, skip Projectile due to smaller DPS increase it gives), and most subsystem Performance skills are generally desirable (Engine being the odd boy out if any). Non-cruisers shouldn't bother with the Damage Resistance skills (Hull Plating and Armor Reinforcements), as damage resistance on the hull isn't a big deal to begin with, but can mean things to Cruisers. Sensors are only really used by Science and Tactical captains, who have a built-in skill for them. As mentioned, the T5 debuff and placate skills are too expensive for most to consider, considering their effect.
Threat Control and Stealth are the extremely specific skills. On Fed, only two ships have Cloak, and it's a regular Cloak instead of a Battlecloak. KDF has more use for this skill. Threat Control on the other hand is special. If you take it in Space, you are essentially bound to a Cruiser, as the skill (3 points, no more or less) is the main ingredient of tanking, netting a whole lot more aggro than normally. Non-cruisers should never take it, but Cruisers should never be without it.
On Ground, you generally spend a lot less XP due to the minor effect it tends to have. However, certain things, such as the first tier of skills (Weapon Proficiency and something universally important like Demolitions or Medic) are at 6 or maxed. The second tier is generally at 6 on both skills (depending on the class specific skill, PSG adds a little bit of survivability). The 3-5 tiers are different tho. Generally only 3 or more in Willpower are needed, and otherwise should be fitted around the main needs of your kit, but rarely above 3. Combat Armor has varying degrees of kinda useful, mostly being important to Science (who are the mega-tanks on Ground). As in Space, Threat Control is also tied to a specific role, that of the Medic Science Captain, whose job is to tank like there's no tomorrow. No other class should ever take Threat Control on ground.
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