Yesterday the first fleet started the T5 starbase upgrade.
I don't really think threat control on the ground is useful at all: When you're stabbing a dude in the face, you've got his attention already from the sheer amount of damage being stabbed in the face causes. If you aren't stabbing a dude in the face, it's just as well that someone else briefly hold attention while you run up there and stab him in the face. The moment you start stabbing face, they'll notice.As in Space, Threat Control is also tied to a specific role, that of the Medic Science Captain, whose job is to tank like there's no tomorrow. No other class should ever take Threat Control on ground.
Now, there are certain skills that you'll always want, regardless of the eventual ship. Most of the first three tiers in Space are skills you'll want from 6-9 (for example, all the weapon and healing skills), with only certain (Attack Patterns for non-Escorts). Batteries and Driver Coil are not vital, but due to how cheap and convenient they are I recommend having at least 3 in them.
and the three Weapons skills should be up to 9 if you don't have screaming need of XP by the end.
If you take it in Space, you are essentially bound to a Cruiser, as the skill (3 points, no more or less) is the main ingredient of tanking, netting a whole lot more aggro than normally. Non-cruisers should never take it, but Cruisers should never be without it.
Driver Coil has two functions, one which is more about leisure, the other more about utility. First, it increases Sector speed, considerably in the 0-3 jump. But the important function is that it increases the minimum power on Full Impulse and the power recovery from Full Impulse. Still, the main thing is that it costs 1k per point, so three is generally a good thing to have.
With weapons, it's important due to the versatility and usefulness it has to all ships. Those 5-6 beam arrays will become quite useful with fighters when skills are pumped. And again, they're so cheap while having a very noticiable effect that there's no reason to get stingy. 6-9 range all the time IMO.
Actually the people on the forums who take it for DR are being fairly stupid. The amount of DR Threat Control grants is pathetic. The maximum Magnitude TC gives towards DR is +9.9. A third of what a single fairly usual endgame Armor Console can give, a quarter of what a high-end Armor gives. There's also the fact that Damage Resistance is inherently fairly useless due to the kind of damage being dished out when taking into account the way Magnitude -> real Damage Resistance % math works (for example, 50% reduction requires 110% magnitude, which is the number you see on your ship's stats).
PS: When are you coming for your D'Kora BC?
Not much since I'm not part of any group there, and I've got eighteen () fully geared alts there.
Well I've been subbed (went LTS after it went F2P and they had the 50% sale on them) for 900 days now (got my Kwa eagle costume set, haven't actually made Kwanzanian Eagle yet). As for leveling, well when they had the first ever Double XP weekend I leveled one guy from start to max in two days, so it's not that hard on that part. As for gearing, it's easier. In CO it takes six hours max (no IRL cooldown if you have three alts to do it with) to gear a character with top-notch gear (you can get better stuff, but only barely marginally better for exponentially more effort/cost), so that's not an issue either.Not much since I'm not part of any group there, and I've got eighteen () fully geared alts there.
Holy mother of Christ.
Well I've been subbed (went LTS after it went F2P and they had the 50% sale on them) for 900 days now (got my Kwa eagle costume set, haven't actually made Kwanzanian Eagle yet). As for leveling, well when they had the first ever Double XP weekend I leveled one guy from start to max in two days, so it's not that hard on that part. As for gearing, it's easier. In CO it takes six hours max (no IRL cooldown if you have three alts to do it with) to gear a character with top-notch gear (you can get better stuff, but only barely marginally better for exponentially more effort/cost), so that's not an issue either.
99% of my time in CO has been solo (Asperger's and all that doesn't translate to working well with the usual MMO crowd either).Well I've been subbed (went LTS after it went F2P and they had the 50% sale on them) for 900 days now (got my Kwa eagle costume set, haven't actually made Kwanzanian Eagle yet). As for leveling, well when they had the first ever Double XP weekend I leveled one guy from start to max in two days, so it's not that hard on that part. As for gearing, it's easier. In CO it takes six hours max (no IRL cooldown if you have three alts to do it with) to gear a character with top-notch gear (you can get better stuff, but only barely marginally better for exponentially more effort/cost), so that's not an issue either.
Still, can't see what would be the point of 18 alts.
Carebear much?
99% of my time in CO has been solo (Asperger's and all that doesn't translate to working well with the usual MMO crowd either).Well I've been subbed (went LTS after it went F2P and they had the 50% sale on them) for 900 days now (got my Kwa eagle costume set, haven't actually made Kwanzanian Eagle yet). As for leveling, well when they had the first ever Double XP weekend I leveled one guy from start to max in two days, so it's not that hard on that part. As for gearing, it's easier. In CO it takes six hours max (no IRL cooldown if you have three alts to do it with) to gear a character with top-notch gear (you can get better stuff, but only barely marginally better for exponentially more effort/cost), so that's not an issue either.
Still, can't see what would be the point of 18 alts.
Carebear much?
No. In fact, in CO you need the other side's permission to duel.99% of my time in CO has been solo (Asperger's and all that doesn't translate to working well with the usual MMO crowd either).Well I've been subbed (went LTS after it went F2P and they had the 50% sale on them) for 900 days now (got my Kwa eagle costume set, haven't actually made Kwanzanian Eagle yet). As for leveling, well when they had the first ever Double XP weekend I leveled one guy from start to max in two days, so it's not that hard on that part. As for gearing, it's easier. In CO it takes six hours max (no IRL cooldown if you have three alts to do it with) to gear a character with top-notch gear (you can get better stuff, but only barely marginally better for exponentially more effort/cost), so that's not an issue either.
Still, can't see what would be the point of 18 alts.
Carebear much?
I meant, are you PKing low levels players if you have gazillion alts?
If yes, then shame on you.
They added the Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught as the newest lockbox ship. It's pretty much the weakest Carrier. Turns like a whale, but instead of having Science it has TACTICAL boff slots. So basically it's a Carrier that has everything that a Carrier does NOT need.
EDIT: And what happened with your previous login information?
In space your skills are used by your ship, and thus your final ship choice matters more.I'm gonna need a new invite for Zourl@jotapechile , plox. Also, any insight into the skill choices for Tac officers would be helpful.