Man, I just cannot really get into this game. Some of the premises seem very nice, but the absolutely retarded combat system just kills my enjoyment.
1. What is up with with horrible animations? I don't mean aesthetically, I mean functionally. After you swing a weapon, it takes forever to bring it back up to block, shields too in some cases. Considering most enemies often attack non-stop, any time you attempt to attack them, they get a hit in, because your attack doesn't stop them either. Also, half the time after blocking, your weapon doesn't attack when you click it, unless you delay yourself.
2. The target lock doesn't work at all with the enemy AI. As soon as you lock in, the other enemy (since they are often in groups) runs around and starts massaging your back with his spear/fangs/whatever. So you gotta lock/unlock constantly like a retard. Would it have been too much to design some kind of an auto locking system?
3. A fucking roll as a basic defensive move? How annoying is this? Nobody rolls in melee combat as a regular thing... So to one up themselves, the other basic move is a kick? They took 2 niche things that might happen rarely, and made the whole combat system revolve around them...
4. Actual skill moves (like Pommel Strike and Counterstrike) which require timing have ridiculously long cooldowns (something like 2 minutes), making them relatively useless in most combats. They also seem to not work according to description.
Anyways, between all this shit and death causing you to respawn half the world away without your stuff, it doesn't seem like a fun game.
P.S. Inb4 some retard goes: "Oh, you are doing it wrong, if you drink these 4 teas and eat this food, and apply this rag to your weapon before the fight, and then attack using this special dagger with the kick ability, then you can defeat anything..."