Cis-Het Oppressor
I always thought that Pay2Win is rather when you can buy something for real money that you can't get playing the game...
Like stash tabs?
...and that thing makes you more powerfull than those who did not buy it.
Such as more and better gear for your characters a lot more quickly?
Every person who defends pay-to-win systems usually manages to twist the facts until it comes down to: "You're not paying to win, you're paying to save time." It's for this exact reason that the majority of free-to-play games include such a loophole. It might take you five or ten times longer to get X than someone who paid, but you can still get it eventually, so it's not pay-to-win... right? Depends on who you ask. In my opinion, being able to generate several times more wealth than someone who's "only" paid, say, $50 is absurd.