Well the point is that a) you don't need to gather most of the things
This really isn't a valid argument. Yeah, I can just ignore prophecies, div cards, uniques, recipes, essences, maps, fossils, gems, sextants, jewels, shards, fragments and a dozen other mechanics in the game. But that makes the game much much shittier. The game is way better with lots of stash space and would be even better still if you didn't need the space in the first place because it just dealt with essences in a sane way instead of adding literally dozens of things you need to sort through by clicking and sorting. If I don't need to pick up a div card that drops a random low level magic weapon, why the fuck is it in the game? It's not like the game didn't have enough clutter already.
People who say you 'don't need stash tabs' should be forced to play without a loot filter, which you also don't 'need'.