I dunno dude, I'm optimistic. If anything, moving the linking into the gems themselves will make late game respecs much easier, as you could buy and sell gem sets, as opposed to individual gems, cutting down on the time spent in hideout warrior mode. But ofc, I read that Jewellers will be kept in the game, so I'm guessing you'll now be able to six link a gem, but COME ON, it's a HUGE improvement compared to body armors. Gems are deterministic, body amour has six trillion variables. Removing the sockets and links as a factor when comparing weapons and armours will make the game much better.
False, and that's due to my main gripe with the game: odds are kept hidden for players at all times. Streamers running big tests like this guy* is the very best we have to
guesstimate the odds of gambling aka "crafting" in PoE. The video I linked is VERY informative and the main reason why I ditched all my plans of trying to link ANYTHING. The odds are abysmal and fusings are only good for currency flipping and adjusting links in 4-slot gear. I would have
zero problem with the crafting system if every time I hovered a vaal orb over a gem a tooltip said something like "Vaal discipline: 10%, Level up: 20%, level down: 10%, quality up: x%" and so on. But no, vague hints are all we get and the game relies on the player having a gambling addiction. Not sure if it was a coincidence or not, but I saw an ad for online poker on the POEreddit front page. Should've taken a screenshot.
And make no mistake: I think the economy of PoE is nothing short of a work of genius. For YEARS online games had the "money becomes meaningless late game" issue, and PoE found a solution by adding natural sinks to currency. Who would've thunk real world economics could work in vidya game, huh? But these gambles should be calculated based off
reliable information provided by the game itself, which is sadly not a thing. And the sheer amount of currencies is an
insane bloat that should be cut down asap. Do we SERIOUSLY NEED divination cards for more divination cards? Prophecies like "YOU WILL READ A BOOOOOK!"? A gazillion old league mechanics that range from barely noticeable to "WTF IS THIS BS KILLING ME OVER AND OVER WHILE EVERYTHING ELSE GETS ONE SHOT!?". The bloat needs some culling.
But most importantly, the game needs a "reboot" as far as the power creep is concerned. Melee becoming non-viable is a "natural" thing that eventually happens to ALL games like this one, simply because there is no fucking way to obtain a "perfect" estimation of how much "range" is actually worth. But if you look at something like this:
You'll notice that:
1) Witch always was the best base class and NECRO always has been the best ascension BUT
2) Ascendancies were pretty varied "back in the day" and there is a clear trend towards concentration. And yeah, I know HC has different meta, but it doesn't really matter, the point stands:
Players become better at the game -> meta builds become more powerful -> game is reajusted to account for meta builds -> viability of other builds goes down -> players adopt meta builds out of frustration (because only a retard enjoys losing "for fun") -> rinse and repeat until we reach ONE-SHOT-LEAGUE aka Metamorph.
And another thing: the retards saying "the game shouldn't be balanced around meta builds, durr" are really, REALLY fucking stupid. All games should be balanced around the people that actually know how to play them. The only way to "balance around non-meta aka shit" builds is to make everything piss easy. There is absolutely no way to balance around the infinite ways in which one can fuck up his character. And EVEN IF the game were made piss easy, these same people wouldn't be happy because now everyone can farm everything -> inflation -> everything is now worthless save for a handful or items that cost like 3k exalts.
A reboot would be most welcome. I would LOVE to see PoE 2 being launched and Witch is now the shittiest base class and Marauder is KING. Just to AT LEAST give the game a couple months of enjoyable lifespan.
Spreadsheet at 5 minutes.