You can very easily make a defensible character with tabula on, which will tide you up to t10/11. At that point, you should also be able to replace it. Although I should note that you can often get a corrupted 6l with the right gem colours that has some decent stats for the same value as a tabula.If you use tabula in maps you deserve all the 1-shots you get.
If you use tabula in maps you deserve all the 1-shots you get.
Gearing is all really a balancing act. My approach to doing it is the following:
- If the build I am planning out requires specific unique items (for example, low life using shavs, or a whispering ice build needing a whispering ice) I acquire those items first. Keep in mind if you are planning a build around these types of items, the bare minimum requirement to build it is being able to acquire it.
- If you have a lot of currency, then look into damage mods on gear. Specific slots (the amulet for example) are very good at providing damage mods.
- Get at least 1 6 link. If its the start of the league and I have no tabula, this goes as far as running blood aqueducts until I have enough humility cards for a tabula.
- If you do not have much currency, just look for items with life and resistances on all remaining slots. This part may take a while if you want to be cost efficient.
After this, it then becomes a gradual game of upgrading 1 or 2 (usually 2) items at a time. This can be as simple as looking for a weapon with a higher base damage, or looking into acquiring items with influenced mods. As you pointed out, its usually very difficult to acquire a good item with an influenced mod, so my usual approach is to overcompensate on life+resistances on other items, so you can have a less good item with the influenced mod. An example of a delve exclusive mod which may be good for your character is -x% lightning resistance for nearby enemies which is locked into the helmet slot. Usually, if you are looking at an endgame character, the belt and the rings will do most of the heavy lifting with 1 or 2 resistances on other items. It is usually very easy to either make or buy a belt with very high (100%+ total) resistances and 90+ life, so they are the best slot for dumping those stats. Not only that, but they are also very easy to fossil craft, if you want damage mods to top them off. Amulets have very good damage modifiers and of coarse, there are some very powerful helmet enchantments. Regardless of what boots you are using, you almost always want movement speed on your boots so that is 1 guaranteed fixed mod slot. In terms of the value of the open prefix vs the open suffix it depends on what you are trying to do. Usually prefixes are more powerful for offensive stats and suffixes are more powerful for defensive stats. Having an open suffix does allow you to multi mod an item though, but if you plan to do that, the item needs to be worth spending 2ex on. Something which is very often overlooked is jewels. If using a jewel with life and resistances allows you to open up a very powerful offensive mod on say an amulet (for example +1 level to active intelligence gems on a spell caster), then it is very likely a worthwhile trade off to make. Chest pieces later on do not need to be a glorified tabula depending on the build. A 6 link bow will cost you as much as a tabula and you can roll decent mods on 1 fairly cheaply if your build relies heavily on gem levels (for example, poison arrow). That varies from build to build though.
If you are planning on trading a lot, then here is something you can keep in mind for building a character. Almost anything that is priced in the 1-10c range, is probably cheaper to buy than to craft. Anything in the 2-20ex range, you should at least consider possibly crafting as it might be cheaper to make and anything more expensive then that, you should reconsider using in your build because it is not only unnecessary for content completion, but is also going to be very difficult to craft (and obviously set you back a lot if you are buying it).
This is not really true, because iirc helmets and chests can also roll various +hp/+defense and the like rolls."Life, just give me more of that red stuff so I die a little less" -> chestpiece can roll more than anywhere else (up to 129) regardless of color, but then you also have to consider links. All gloves types can get up to 89 life, same with boots and amulets. Helmets and belts can provide slightly more HP, up to 99. Rings lag behind everyone else, with a 79 maximum, HOWEVER, the Vermillion ring has an implicit of 5-7% increased HP. I have one of those in my glad, but a well rolled vermillion is exalt worthy.
Whatever you have in your weapon slot is easy to get damage on (obviously). Elemental attack builds also have several 'easy' sources of increased damage on gear. In general I agree though, rares that boost damage are a luxury, I often find it easier to pick up a damage boosting unique and then offloading more hp/resists on rares.Damage on gear feels like a bit of a luxury, at least for me.
hush i don't want grunker to know i am playing some op cookie cutter build. i am using sword in right hand means I am a melee build ok.for example, Shadenuat said he is playing a bane build.
Most things people say in PoE community/forum/reddit can be explained with players being bad at RPGs.Just met a guy claiming his necro build is struggling to deal damage at t15 maps. Funny, my glad blazes through those maps pretty fast. He wanted to buy my awfully overpriced fusings. Blew 300, failed to link his shit.
I don't know if it's all RNG or has additional mechanic to it. I ran 5+ of a same map saying frost waifu summons there - nothing. Then I switched to just another map and she spawned.That last case is probably my paranoia fueled nonsense but whatever
Usually the order of importance for chaos DoTs is Chaos damage over time multiplier > Spell damage > gem level. But ofc, since they are all increases to whatever aspect of damage they are increasing, if you have a very large amount of any one of them, the order might switch.hush i don't want grunker to know i am playing some op cookie cutter build. i am using sword in right hand means I am a melee build ok.for example, Shadenuat said he is playing a bane build.
(throws another pack of blight totems on Izaro)
Legion droped me cool sword: +1 melee level, 162% phys, 18% ias, 10% phys > Chaos & mana on kill. It's one handed but I want to do something with it.
btw do you know what is better for chaos over time dot: spell damage/chaos damage or damage over time multiplicator? PoB seems to feel Disintegrating dagger is best.
Most things people say in PoE community/forum/reddit can be explained with players being bad at RPGs.Just met a guy claiming his necro build is struggling to deal damage at t15 maps. Funny, my glad blazes through those maps pretty fast. He wanted to buy my awfully overpriced fusings. Blew 300, failed to link his shit.
I don't know if it's all RNG or has additional mechanic to it. I ran 5+ of a same map saying frost waifu summons there - nothing. Then I switched to just another map and she spawned.That last case is probably my paranoia fueled nonsense but whatever
Then I ran level 1 white map and she spawned again.
Make sure to do 1 or 2 sirus runs at awakener level 8 for that crown of the inward eye that you want so badly.![]()
now to run some maps for Awakening levels and then fill my map tab with trash and maps
don't forget to make popcorn when patch notes comes up tomorrow and there will be no changes for Sirius encounter
Does it even matter? All my sirius tries so far he bugged in a way that was supposed to be fixed already...don't forget to make popcorn when patch notes comes up tomorrow and there will be no changes for Sirius encounter
The bosses mechanics are not difficult at all, what makes the boss "bad" is that if you do fail the fight, its often not due to you making a misplay, but due 1 of the many bugs plaguing the fight. I have completed it 12 times (helped some friends of mine kill theirs) and aside from when I first tried the fight and didn't know the mechanics, the times when I have died I can point to something wrong with the fight itself and say, "that killed me" rather than something I did. The major culprit for me is the corridor with the balls. Having him put the walls down on top of you is just absolute bullshit. In my opinion, the boss itself could be made more mechanically challenging, provided they actually fix the bugs. When you do fail, you should fail due to a misplay you made, not because of a mechanic which is not functioning correctly. 1 that I have not personally experienced but a friend of mine had yesterday was, "boss is floating up in the air, red circle is on the ground and he doesn't want to come down."sirus is not that bad now that ive farmed him a bit, maybe even a bit too easy
Playing a high movement speed pathfinder with explosive arrow. I think due to my character's speed, I often move outside of where he casts the corridor before he has finished casting it and as a net result I end up inside the wall of the corridor itself (so I cannot move at all) rather than inside of the corridor.dunno what character you're playing but when he makes the corridor its pretty much the best time to dps him you just need to get close to him
bugs are annoying yes i had one that your friend got when he just wouldnt phase, he got stuck in the air. would be also nice if the degens were more visible on the ground, that killed me once or twice
I think ggg just wanted to make a boss that required some interaction with his mechanics but at the same time not be uber elder difficult tier
also the fight get REALLY fucked if you die more than once because he spawns extra storm if you do, very easy to brick
They are actually very powerful. You need to have an open prefix or suffix but what they do is they both add influence and they add a guaranteed mod out of one of the mods of that influence type. A crusader orb will always add 1 of the crusader mods. It still deals with the weightings of those mods when it rolls them, but the chances of adding the influenced mod you want is significantly higher with those orbs than through re-rolling an item. You cannot use them on an item which already has that influence however, so you cannot use them to force 1 specific mod. If you have 3 prefixes though and you slam, a suffix is guaranteed. The awakener orb transfers an influence from 1 influenced item to another influenced item which has a different influence, destroying the first item in the process. In addition to that, if there are any influenced mods on either item, it picks 1 influenced mod from the sacrificed item, 1 influenced mod from the item which is having the influence added and it creates the new rare item with those 2 mods +2 more mods at random.if you dont get completly out and stand near him you will get good 5 seconds of free dps but yeah might be a bit hard for some charcters
how do those new exalts work is it like normal exalt or can you slam them without having open prefix suffix?
Yes, it is. I have been experimenting with these orbs quite a lot, here is an example of a belt I created and ended up selling for 35ex:damn this is extremely OP
You have been captured BEASTdue to my character's speed, I often move outside of where he casts the corridor before he has finished casting it and as a net result I end up inside the wall of the corridor itself (so I cannot move at all)