I’m loosely following Pohx’, and so should you.
Nah. I'm gonna be a chieftain. Strength stacking go BRRRRRRRRR
His POB and site will probably still be of immense value to you. It answers so many niche questions about RF that you stumble on
Man, RF is kinda crazy. I made a basic shell (not finished obv) for chieftain based on some of Pohx' stuff
https://pastebin.com/ZFgDKjhw and the numbers are just really good (even if most of the dps is from fire trap).
Meanwhile, even copy pasting a PoB for venom gyre the listed deeps isn't even 100k, although as I understand it a lot of the single target dps comes from whirly blading so the numbers look worse than they are.
I still haven't decided
Actually, one of RF's main disadvantages is that even with Fire Trap for bossing, your damage will be kind of low compared to other meta builds. The reason I've fallen completely and utterly in love with the skill is:
1) It's just so goddamn chill to play most of the time, yet it also brings you up close and personal so you get those "moments of attention-paying" which I need for my fix. It's hard to describe but until you've moved through a map using nothing but Shield Charge and Frost Blink, hitting no damage skills at all, destroying everything on your path, you really don't know happiness. It's almost a bit like Essence Drain but without the need to cast.
2) The tankiness is un-fucking-believable. I played inquisitor past two leagues and I literally didn't die once to something I knew what was; in other words, the only thing that could kill me was me having no idea what happened
Stuff that always used to kind of lowkey bother me while leveling like Act 7 Doedre or Act 10 Kitava was just absolute cakewalks wearing nothing but shitty off-the-ground rares. Hearing that Jugga is supposedly even more tanky sounds sweet.
The tankiness brings you such an abundance of QoL - you'll never had easier uber lab trials (they're a total joke, you can literally run through them while watching YouTube), moments of heavy degen are less scary and
ALL OF YOUR FLASKS ARE AUTO ALL THE TIME. Well, except your HP flask unless you really want it to be.
It does have a few niggles. I hate Fire Trap and I absolute hate-hate-hate Stone Golem, because I always forget to recast it and does make a big difference for RF specifically, so a CWDT setup is leaving value on the ground.