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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Mar 16, 2015
Got it, any idea on how I should start? Or just look at my PoB "recommended" rare items and try to find one similar to that?

Also, there are so many fucking new systems. I never really played the game, leveled a few characters to 50-70 as far back as 4-7 years ago, but holy shit. Need to find a video to do some research.
Just play for a time and get items from ground. You do not really need good items until you reach yellow maps (tier 6+).

All you need for white maps is maxed resists and some life on gear.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Alright, after some thought, i think i'm just going to follow something like this, focus entirely on whatever increases map chances and rarity etc:


BTW, for anyone who is curious, this is where i am at the moment with my build:


I got some build specific support gems already but until i find better gear i'll just stick to what i'm allowed to slot in, so i had to get a bit creative.


Sep 11, 2016
Take Wandering Path if you are dying too much, those map notables increase difficulty in ruthless it seems.


Apr 11, 2023
Got it, any idea on how I should start? Or just look at my PoB "recommended" rare items and try to find one similar to that?

Also, there are so many fucking new systems. I never really played the game, leveled a few characters to 50-70 as far back as 4-7 years ago, but holy shit. Need to find a video to do some research.
1 div isn't much. Use it to get your starting gear. For RF either use Pohx's PoB or his RF wiki. You could craft starting stuff in the budget of that 1 div, but it's probably around 5 or so realistically. The RF Wiki crafting section has advice on what each gear piece should have on it and a FAQ section that tells you which pieces to get first. You can check out the website Craft of Exile and try to practice making them before you attempt it in game. The Consuming Dark with good rolls is a nice and cheap weapon to use until you get your end scepter. Immortal Flesh on belt can stay there for the whole game, 6L Brass Dome chest is also decent until (and if) you want to craft an armor. For the shield slot you can also grab Rise of the Phoenix, Saffels frame, Ahn's Hertiage or Dawnbreaker.

Alright, after some thought, i think i'm just going to follow something like this, focus entirely on whatever increases map chances and rarity etc:
That "setup" is going to lead you nowhere. You get a shit ton of t15-t16 maps from normal runs, you won't be short on them ever. Plus there's favored map slots as well where you can put your favorite one for more drops. You need actual content in your maps to farm. Figure out what you like the best (or find profitable), and spec into that. And no, you're not going to get a profit from selling maps in bulk if that's what you're aiming for, especially since you even have no voidstones that tier up the maps and the favored slots locked.
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Mar 16, 2015
Alright, after some thought, i think i'm just going to follow something like this, focus entirely on whatever increases map chances and rarity etc:
That "setup" is going to lead you nowhere. You get a shit ton of t15-t16 maps from normal runs, you won't be short on them ever. Plus there's favored map slots as well where you can put your favorite one for more drops. You need actual content in your maps to farm. Figure out what you like the best (or find profitable), and spec into that. And no, you're not going to get a profit from selling maps in bulk if that's what you're aiming for, especially since you even have no voidstones that tier up the maps and the favored slots locked.
He is playing on Ruthless, I am pretty sure mapping is also screwed up and maps drop rarely. And he is not going to be selling anything on Ruthless.


Apr 11, 2023
He is playing on Ruthless, I am pretty sure mapping is also screwed up and maps drop rarely. And he is not going to be selling anything on Ruthless.
The first time through? For what purpose? It's a meme gamemode far removed from the actual game, what kind of support or advice would they expect. The complaints about "but the game didn't show me how or where to do this!" don't apply at all in this context. And mapping is just fine, I'm getting a ton of maps every run on the actual league, more than I could or should possibly ever play.


Mar 16, 2015
He is playing on Ruthless, I am pretty sure mapping is also screwed up and maps drop rarely. And he is not going to be selling anything on Ruthless.
The first time through? For what purpose? It's a meme gamemode far removed from the actual game, what kind of support or advice would they expect. The complaints about "but the game didn't show me how or where to do this!" don't apply at all in this context. And mapping is just fine, I'm getting a ton of maps every run on the actual league, more than I could or should possibly ever play.
You are mapping on Ruthless?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So i finally had a syndacate encounter.

Didn't understand a single thing of course and just clicked investigate or execute at random. Then i went on some mission with a timer which i hated 'cause i hate timers.

Did another heist mission too since the contract got stuck in my inventory and couldn't move it. It's an ok diversion since it's different from normal maps. We'll see if i like it down the line.


Apr 11, 2023
You are mapping on Ruthless?
Why the fuck would anyone?

Didn't understand a single thing of course and just clicked investigate or execute at random.
Yeah I don't like Syndicate myself and never go for it, the only cool thing about that mechanic is the items unveiling, you want to bring as many veiled items to Jun as you can because the stuff you pick gets unlocked as a crafting option which is super useful.
Don't like heists either.
You might like Delirium, it's pretty easy, you just enter the mirror and kill as many as you can until the timer runs out, I usually stop manually at 5 rewards on the first counter. Then you gather the delirium orbs and eventually reroll them into diviner/skittering delirium orbs with blue Harvest currency and sell them. But then that probably doesn't apply to what you're playing so who knows.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
You are mapping on Ruthless?
Why the fuck would anyone?

Well, if you didn't play it, how would you know how it works?

The path i traced is only 60 points out of 132, so it's not like it stops there. So far maps are dropping fairly commonly, which makes me wonder if the drop rate penalty of ruthless actually applies to maps, or if it's just that the lower tier maps drop so much more than later ones that you are still flooded with them reguardless.

Now that the game has done flooding me with mechanics all at once, i wouldn't say i hate them, i just need to spend more time and see how they work and how it plays out. It's possible that they may help making doing maps feel less of a chore just by virtue of adding variety, but it may have the opposite effect and just add pointless busywork. We'll see.


Mar 16, 2015
You are mapping on Ruthless?
Why the fuck would anyone?

Well, if you didn't play it, how would you know how it works?

The path i traced is only 60 points out of 132, so it's not like it stops there. So far maps are dropping fairly commonly, which makes me wonder if the drop rate penalty of ruthless actually applies to maps, or if it's just that the lower tier maps drop so much more than later ones that you are still flooded with them reguardless.

Now that the game has done flooding me with mechanics all at once, i wouldn't say i hate them, i just need to spend more time and see how they work and how it plays out. It's possible that they may help making doing maps feel less of a chore just by virtue of adding variety, but it may have the opposite effect and just add pointless busywork. We'll see.
But how much currency is dropping? It is normal in non-ruthless to turn all maps into rare with Alch orbs and even reroll them if mods you got are especially nasty for your build (my jugg cannot run physical reflect or no life/mana regen maps).
This might limit how many maps would be dropping, at least when you start going into higher level maps.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Currency is scarse. I have around 16 alchemy right now and i'm level 79. Granted i have 16 tabs filled with garbage but i think even if i vendor all of it that's going to be 2 or 3 extra alchemy at best, maybe 4 if i get lucky.

Keep in mind i picked EVERY rare and EVERY magic item so far and vendored them all. So between level 1 to 79 i got a total of maybe 20 alchemy.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Man leveling slowed massively since i hit 80. Took me yesterday night and all morning to go from 81 to 82, doing maps from T2 (if rare) to T4.

Picking up those Kirac and map nodes is boring but considering how difficult it is to get those alchemy things in ruthless i can see the logic to it. Just increase both drop rates and rarity of maps plus Kirac and you'll have some extra rare maps since blowing an alchemy on anything but the highest level maps just doesn't seem worth it. I sold some garbage and actually found a couple as drops and i'm up to 22. So in 82 levels and picking up every magic and rare i found along the way, that's as many as i could hoard. Ruthless be ruthless.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I'm honestly getting bored of the game. There are just so many end game mechanics just in regards to crafting gear much less all the different types of things you can do such as Blight, Heists, Legion, Syndicate, etc, etc. Hard to force myself to be arsed.


Mar 16, 2015
My SSF melee Jugg met his match in form of a T12 map boss with nasty mods, empowered by a ghost and Maven. His area was full of shocked ground, he throws some huge sigil on the ground that removes all my health within 1-2s. Lost all portals and got his life to 50% only lol.
If I was a trap, totem or minion user I would just run around dodging this while my shit kills this boss.
Now in red maps I die to random shit like I remembered in the past with my other melee attempts.. I guess Jugg was just tanky enough to keep me from dying in yellow maps as well but game now says "no melee allowed"

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Still trying to figure out a good Atlas course, this one seems interesting too:


Apparently, Alva must be good for ruthless/ssf. Just had my first encounter with her today, didn't seem that special but then what do i know.

I think i'll drop out of strong boxes as it seems like a trap. Monsters spawn in a way where sometimes i can't quick step out of the way and just feels like i'm fiddling with suicide here. Just map sustain and maybe Niko and this Alva if it's that good, and of course Kirac. I'll be picking those 3% rarity nodes too as the drop rate for alchemy is basically non-existent. I'm at 22 now and that's with some intense mapping it's a lost cause on ruthless just feels like it's best saving them for the very best maps.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Ok, made it to 83, but it's getting kinda slow. Even with all the nodes i picked, i can't sustain T5 or T6 maps reliably yet so i had to default to grind T4 and even T3 maps to restock which means it took me forever just to gain one extra level, all though the drop rate for maps it's actually pretty good, just been unlucky on failing to roll for higher level ones (yesterday the rng Gods were a lot more favorable).

I think i'm going to try to make to 90 at least and climb the atlas and then call it quits, take a break, and start an hard core, non-ruthless, non-ssf character in the next league so i can at least experience that.

Been contemplating of buying some tabs too. I bought a pack of 12 premium tabs when the game first released for like 20 euros but even with those it's getting kinda messy. I'd like to get the currency tab and map tabs at least, maybe something else if i can squeeze it in.


May 21, 2011
Should try non hardcore first and get into high maps/kill some bosses. Keep in mind hardcore is tuned around logout macro.

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
I'm a pretty big fan of Heists. Nice to have NPC allies and very lucrative. A little boring, actually, once you have the right set up.

Supposedly Ritual is also very lucrative.

Playing on PS5, got Crook Mofus 2.0 to level 68 this morning, now just shopping for a 5L Ivory Tower. Saw a beautiful 6L a few days ago for 2.5 Div, but I think it's gone. Game plays well on controller, except picking stuff up is a pain. I also miss the extra tabs on my PC account:/ Trading is... ok? But league is kind of dead already.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So far the one i hate the most is the syndacate one. I absolutely had no idea whatsoever what i'm supposed to do and i'm not sure i even care. I was lead into a small mission two times and failed it both. I was supposed to prevent some guys from "destroying the evidence" so i tried to just kill everything in my path but i guess that wasn't it. Fuck this thing.

So now my sulphite bar is full, which means i'm not forced to do Delve. Tried it yesterday night but i can't figure out how to skip levels. The cart is at level 37 and i'm level 83 how the fuck do i got down the levels i click on the yellow things in the map and nothing happens.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I was supposed to prevent some guys from "destroying the evidence" so i tried to just kill everything in my path but i guess that wasn't it. Fuck this thing.
The way to do it is to ignore the enemies and rush the boss at the end. At least on standard, maybe on ruthless the dps check is just too high.

Tried it yesterday night but i can't figure out how to skip levels. The cart is at level 37 and i'm level 83 how the fuck do i got down the levels i click on the yellow things in the map and nothing happens.
In normal the cart automatically goes down to level 68 or something as you level up, but I think they removed it in ruthless. So you just have to map the cart down manually. Probably not worth it.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Wait you mean spend sulphite all the way down? That's kinda nuts.
Every node requires sulphite, the amount scales upwards the deeper you go.

The worst part is that you'll frequently need to go horizontally because there's no path straight down.

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