Just dropping in to say that just one feature of the alchemist is stupidly overpowered.
Also tried a feral mutagen/feral wings vivisectionist with winter wolf cloak, mighty fist amulet, mastery fauchard and alkali gloves. He is damage dealing MVP with mutagen and transformation.
I am officially beaten by a russian woman named Ekaterina on all fronts
Even your own forums, it seems.It is me!
motherless vivi makes a good biter (with mastery and winter wolf cloak) ; but dip in archeologist/dd doesnt amke sense.Just dropping in to say that just one feature of the alchemist is stupidly overpowered.
Also tried a feral mutagen/feral wings vivisectionist with winter wolf cloak, mighty fist amulet, mastery fauchard and alkali gloves. He is damage dealing MVP with mutagen and transformation.
That is cool. But since bite attacks stack, try making him a motherless tiefling and multiclassing to an Archelogist (Uncanny Dodge and Opportunist at level 2) / DD (3rd Bite at level 2).
motherless vivi makes a good biter (with mastery and winter wolf cloak) ; but dip in archeologist/dd doesnt amke sense.Just dropping in to say that just one feature of the alchemist is stupidly overpowered.
Also tried a feral mutagen/feral wings vivisectionist with winter wolf cloak, mighty fist amulet, mastery fauchard and alkali gloves. He is damage dealing MVP with mutagen and transformation.
That is cool. But since bite attacks stack, try making him a motherless tiefling and multiclassing to an Archelogist (Uncanny Dodge and Opportunist at level 2) / DD (3rd Bite at level 2).
For one, if u take the archeo dip early on you delay the mutagen discoveries and persistent mutagen and that hurts a If you delay the dip; then might as well go full vivi for grand discovery.
archeo/dd claw/bite dont last for 15+ hours every day like feral mutagen. its a few rounds and that too based on charisma. might as well dump charisma get more str/int/dex and be a better performer all-round with larger uptime.
MUAHAHA! INDEED!wait what? you don't need to grow claws for your DD bite? Good work Owlcat. Keep the krokodil supply topped up.
Sure, you get main attacks with Mastery fauchard, then 3 secondary Bites & trips followed by 3 Mastery strikes (if successful). Note that you can't trip an enemy who is already prone, so you want to manually switch targets. The "free" attacks can't crit (no attack roll) or get sneak attack dice. All the flat damage bonuses (Str, enchantment, PA, inspire) seem to stack though.Haplo another uestion these multiple bite attacks stack with a full action attack right? so that means 8 attacks. (4 with transformation, +1 haste, +3 bites) or 7 if you dont want a grenadier in your party. with your obscene strength and 3 trip attempts with winter wolf cloak its a potential another 3 fauchard strikes. This biting gimmick vivi build is p. buttrapey damage wise.
Once is a glitch. Twice is a pattern.Does anyone have an evil save file around the end of Vordakai chapter to share? My system disc has just gotten blown to smithereens along with all content of /appdata. And this second walkthrough had been started after a similar apocalyptic event corrupted all of my saves at the start of the Varnhold chapter, too.
This is probably the most hilariously unfortunate chain of events in recent years. Rip a month of progress.
Greedy get thier saves wiped twice!Once is a glitch. Twice is a pattern.Does anyone have an evil save file around the end of Vordakai chapter to share? My system disc has just gotten blown to smithereens along with all content of /appdata. And this second walkthrough had been started after a similar apocalyptic event corrupted all of my saves at the start of the Varnhold chapter, too.
This is probably the most hilariously unfortunate chain of events in recent years. Rip a month of progress.
You might want to lay off the game for the sake of your poor computer...
Oh shit. Yes, she has a bite attack.I know that bite makes characters to close distance with reach weapon. Maybe you have some bites, like from tiefling racial?
"In the House at the Edge of Time, if Jaethal joined the party, her HP couldn't fall below zero. Resolution: fixed."New batch of fixes in 1.3 beta:
Hello, everyone!
Here's a batch of fixes for the beta of patch 1.3. Enjoy!
*possible spoilers below*
- In the House at the Edge of Time, if Jaethal joined the party, her HP couldn't fall below zero. Resolution: fixed.
- In the House at the Edge of Time, interacting with mirrors before the quest "Mirror Memories" starts would display the wrong text.
- In the House at the End of Time, the Magical Lantern will shine a different color depending on the current state of the House.
- In the "Troll Wilderness" area, some of the monsters couldn't be attacked in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- In the "Goblin Fort" area, some of the freed prisoners couldn't reach Kesten's camp. Resolution: fixed.
- At the "Temple of the Elk" area, a portal transition zone wouldn't disappear when it should. Resolution: fixed.
- At the "Temple of the Elk" area, it was hard to see Tristian behind the bear's corpse. Resolution: fixed, now the corpse will dissapear.
- Ilora Nuski could appear in Pitax's main square even if she was killed earlier. Resolution: fixed; if killed, she's buried with a stake through her heart.
- Edrist Hanvaki could be found in the tavern even after he was supposed to be executed. Resolution: hired an executioner with a better work ethic.
- Moved the stones that got in the way of bloodshed at the Bald Hilltop.
- At the "Pitax Royal Palace" area, not all area transitions would be displayed. Resolution: fixed.
- Some areas didn't have fog of war. Resolution: fixed.
- You will no longer see your animal companions in your mystic dream at Oleg's Trading Post.
- Drastically reduced the difficulty of protecting Oleg's Trading Post from the bandit attack.
- The "Pine Patch" area wouldn't be marked as explored if the player got there from the book event in which they search for Tartuccio.
- In Jubilost's "Inconsequent Debates" quest, if the player left the area, their party would consist only of their main character. Resolution: fixed. Now the player can assemble a party when leaving the area.
- One of the tasks in the quest "A Simple Favor" would be displayed at the wrong time.Resolution: fixed.
- A copy of Maegar Varn would still be standing in Vordakai's Tomb even after assigning him as an advisor in the capital. Resolution: fixed.
- After the battle in Littletown during "War of the River Kings", Ivar wouldn't turn back into a human. Resolution: fixed.
- The quest "Trail of Misfortune" didn't work as intended. Resolution: fixed.
- The addendum that informs players of Auchs and Donovan no longer being a threat during the battle at Stag Lord's Fort could be displayed at the wrong time. Resolution: fixed.
- The tavern in the capital didn't always display its name. Resolution: fixed.
- From now on, there will be priests who sell and read scrolls in every regional settlement.
- Fixed an occasion where automatic kingdom management could get stuck and refuse to skip time.
- From now on, the quick trade settings will be carried over from one game session to the other.
- Fixed an issue with displaying tooltips in the stash.
- Some players could have lost Martial Weapon Proficiency that they have taken as a feat. Resolution: fixed. Martial Weapon Proficiency will be restored to all characters once they load their save.
- Added buffs to inform the player about the current weather effects.
- A Graveknight summoned by an Create Undead spell did not have the usual undead immunities. Resolution: fixed.
- The muse-touched aasimar's spell-like ability will now work on the evil spirit in Lizardfolk Village.
- Thassilonian Wizards couldn't use spells from the "Arcane Unleashed" DLC. Resolution: fixed.
- The barbarian vendor didn't have any weapons or equipment. Resolution: fixed.
- Some wands and scrolls that required a DC value didn't have it. Resolution: fixed.
- From now on, a fired custom companion will surrender their equipment before leaving.
- Marksman's Headset didn't provide a bonus to Deadly Aim. Resolution: fixed; to make sure it works turn the Deadly Aim ability off and on again.
- Some weapons didn't have properly working Mithral, Cold Iron and Adamantine enchantments. Resolution: fixed.
- Dark Acolyte's Robe had an incorect description. Resolution: fixed.
- Improved the looks of the area in Jubilost's "Inconsequent Debates" quest.
- Improved door textures in the Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes.
- Improved the detalization in the main square of the unupgraded capital.
- Players were able to unlock several achievements aimed to mark the completion of the main campaign while playing the "Varnhold's Lot" DLC. Resolution: fixed.
- Updated item and spell descriptions in the DE localization. Improved DE, FR and ZH localizations.
Drastically reduced the difficulty of protecting Oleg's Trading Post from the bandit attack.
People who is yet to suffer through it on Unfair should catch up) Before their chance for bragging rights is forever gone.
Drastically reduced the difficulty of protecting Oleg's Trading Post from the bandit attack.
People who is yet to suffer through it on Unfair should catch up) Before their chance for bragging rights is forever gone.
Do you play on Unfair?