Wtf they didnt fix the bug where when you enter the tavern in the capitol all your buildings and the building slots disappear.
Probably a bug they made when they fixed a bug with her in her last companion quest. Probably goes through same code in both situations and they fucked up that code."In the House at the Edge of Time, if Jaethal joined the party, her HP couldn't fall below zero. Resolution: fixed."New batch of fixes in 1.3 beta:
Hello, everyone!
Here's a batch of fixes for the beta of patch 1.3. Enjoy!
*possible spoilers below*
- In the House at the Edge of Time, if Jaethal joined the party, her HP couldn't fall below zero. Resolution: fixed.
- In the House at the Edge of Time, interacting with mirrors before the quest "Mirror Memories" starts would display the wrong text.
- In the House at the End of Time, the Magical Lantern will shine a different color depending on the current state of the House.
- In the "Troll Wilderness" area, some of the monsters couldn't be attacked in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
- In the "Goblin Fort" area, some of the freed prisoners couldn't reach Kesten's camp. Resolution: fixed.
- At the "Temple of the Elk" area, a portal transition zone wouldn't disappear when it should. Resolution: fixed.
- At the "Temple of the Elk" area, it was hard to see Tristian behind the bear's corpse. Resolution: fixed, now the corpse will dissapear.
- Ilora Nuski could appear in Pitax's main square even if she was killed earlier. Resolution: fixed; if killed, she's buried with a stake through her heart.
- Edrist Hanvaki could be found in the tavern even after he was supposed to be executed. Resolution: hired an executioner with a better work ethic.
- Moved the stones that got in the way of bloodshed at the Bald Hilltop.
- At the "Pitax Royal Palace" area, not all area transitions would be displayed. Resolution: fixed.
- Some areas didn't have fog of war. Resolution: fixed.
- You will no longer see your animal companions in your mystic dream at Oleg's Trading Post.
- Drastically reduced the difficulty of protecting Oleg's Trading Post from the bandit attack.
- The "Pine Patch" area wouldn't be marked as explored if the player got there from the book event in which they search for Tartuccio.
- In Jubilost's "Inconsequent Debates" quest, if the player left the area, their party would consist only of their main character. Resolution: fixed. Now the player can assemble a party when leaving the area.
- One of the tasks in the quest "A Simple Favor" would be displayed at the wrong time.Resolution: fixed.
- A copy of Maegar Varn would still be standing in Vordakai's Tomb even after assigning him as an advisor in the capital. Resolution: fixed.
- After the battle in Littletown during "War of the River Kings", Ivar wouldn't turn back into a human. Resolution: fixed.
- The quest "Trail of Misfortune" didn't work as intended. Resolution: fixed.
- The addendum that informs players of Auchs and Donovan no longer being a threat during the battle at Stag Lord's Fort could be displayed at the wrong time. Resolution: fixed.
- The tavern in the capital didn't always display its name. Resolution: fixed.
- From now on, there will be priests who sell and read scrolls in every regional settlement.
- Fixed an occasion where automatic kingdom management could get stuck and refuse to skip time.
- From now on, the quick trade settings will be carried over from one game session to the other.
- Fixed an issue with displaying tooltips in the stash.
- Some players could have lost Martial Weapon Proficiency that they have taken as a feat. Resolution: fixed. Martial Weapon Proficiency will be restored to all characters once they load their save.
- Added buffs to inform the player about the current weather effects.
- A Graveknight summoned by an Create Undead spell did not have the usual undead immunities. Resolution: fixed.
- The muse-touched aasimar's spell-like ability will now work on the evil spirit in Lizardfolk Village.
- Thassilonian Wizards couldn't use spells from the "Arcane Unleashed" DLC. Resolution: fixed.
- The barbarian vendor didn't have any weapons or equipment. Resolution: fixed.
- Some wands and scrolls that required a DC value didn't have it. Resolution: fixed.
- From now on, a fired custom companion will surrender their equipment before leaving.
- Marksman's Headset didn't provide a bonus to Deadly Aim. Resolution: fixed; to make sure it works turn the Deadly Aim ability off and on again.
- Some weapons didn't have properly working Mithral, Cold Iron and Adamantine enchantments. Resolution: fixed.
- Dark Acolyte's Robe had an incorect description. Resolution: fixed.
- Improved the looks of the area in Jubilost's "Inconsequent Debates" quest.
- Improved door textures in the Sepulcher of Forgotten Heroes.
- Improved the detalization in the main square of the unupgraded capital.
- Players were able to unlock several achievements aimed to mark the completion of the main campaign while playing the "Varnhold's Lot" DLC. Resolution: fixed.
- Updated item and spell descriptions in the DE localization. Improved DE, FR and ZH localizations.
Drastically reduced the difficulty of protecting Oleg's Trading Post from the bandit attack.
People who is yet to suffer through it on Unfair should catch up) Before their chance for bragging rights is forever gone.
How does something like that EVEN FUCKING HAPPEN
Does anyone have an evil save file around the end of Vordakai chapter to share? My system disc has just gotten blown up to smithereens along with all content of /appdata.
There are rumors in the steam comments that they fixed disappearing buildings. It was probably too embarrassing to mention in patch-notes.
I do not think Owlcat will patch nonexistent garden into game) It has probably fallen a victim of price cuts when they abandoned idea of dynamically changing Capital map depending on city buildings.That would be nice because I did chuckle a bit when I saw a disgruntled poster on some Pathfinder Kingmaker forum say that his character was told by an important person in-game to meet him in the "palace garden" which was just a balding patch of dying green lawn next to an unremarkable medium sized shanty in your subjectively undeveloped capital that is objectively a majestic city. Kind of breaks immershion![]()
You must be joking...LOL:
Drastically reduced the difficulty of protecting Oleg's Trading Post from the bandit attack.
People who is yet to suffer through it on Unfair should catch up) Before their chance for bragging rights is forever gone.
Hmm. I'm playing pre-1.3 and found that encounter to be one of the EASIEST so far. Gee, I'm hoping it's just a case of retards (like people who need to find character builds on the internet instead of rolling them themselves) not able to function in the early game and not my particular game version. That they toned down difficulty on such a piss-easy encounter is kind of disturbing.
I have an evil necro run that has finished Season of Bloom. But I killed that priestess of Mother of monsters because the run started during the time where only way to save her was a Chaotic Good option. That also means you must keep Tristian alive because otherwise you run out of regents (or was it councilors) :DDoes anyone have an evil save file around the end of Vordakai chapter to share? My system disc has just gotten blown up to smithereens along with all content of /appdata. And this second walkthrough had been started after a similar apocalyptic event corrupted all of my saves at the start of the Varnhold chapter, too.
This is probably the most hilariously unfortunate chain of events in recent years. Rip a month of progress.
I have an evil necro run that has finished Season of Bloom. But I killed that priestess of Mother of monsters because the run started during the time where only way to save her was a Chaotic Good option. That also means you must keep Tristian alive because otherwise you run out of regents (or was it councilors) :DDoes anyone have an evil save file around the end of Vordakai chapter to share? My system disc has just gotten blown up to smithereens along with all content of /appdata. And this second walkthrough had been started after a similar apocalyptic event corrupted all of my saves at the start of the Varnhold chapter, too.
This is probably the most hilariously unfortunate chain of events in recent years. Rip a month of progress.
I put that run on hold, it is waiting for the Kingdom management patch that lets me kill Tristian and still be able to fill all advisor slots.
I will do that sometime today when I am back home and send you a link through the PM.I have an evil necro run that has finished Season of Bloom. But I killed that priestess of Mother of monsters because the run started during the time where only way to save her was a Chaotic Good option. That also means you must keep Tristian alive because otherwise you run out of regents (or was it councilors) :DDoes anyone have an evil save file around the end of Vordakai chapter to share? My system disc has just gotten blown up to smithereens along with all content of /appdata. And this second walkthrough had been started after a similar apocalyptic event corrupted all of my saves at the start of the Varnhold chapter, too.
This is probably the most hilariously unfortunate chain of events in recent years. Rip a month of progress.
I put that run on hold, it is waiting for the Kingdom management patch that lets me kill Tristian and still be able to fill all advisor slots.
If you could upload it, that'd be great. Saving Tristian is a price I'm willing to pay for 50 hours of my time. I'll edit MC, inventory, companions, and everything else if needed.
You know who uses steam cloud saves?Does anyone else have an issue where it takes Steam forever to sync your saves? It is take upwards of 45 minutes for Steam to sync my saves after I close out of the game.![]()
StratageminiToday at 5:29 PM
Okay. I wanna think out loud for a bit: It's pretty much an open secret that Owlcat Games are working on Pathfinder 2 (I could go into why, but there are so many indications it's really not in question anymore). We know that they don't have to upgrade to the new second edition rules (and probably won't considering they already have the engine, the rules aren't complete yet, and there's no compelling need to develop a new engine yet). We know that numerous Owlcats are Playing Grippli in Tabletop Tuesdays (what the hell that means I don't know beyond Grippli are awesome). We know that various Devs with control over the choice of AP HATE cosmic horror, and don't like railroads. We also know that the Studio Head LOVES romances. Enough to get Chris Avellone to participate in a game with Romances. We know that since tabletop tuesdays started back up in January, it is likely a fully published AP that was either finished or started before that date (i.e. Not Tyrant's grasp and probably not Return of the Runelords). We know that it was really important to Owlcat in the Kingmaker selection process to have a "Hook" that differentiated their game from all the other Isometric CRPGs out there. That Hook ended up being the Kingdom Management System. That System is Valaddin's Baby, so it seems likely the next choice will have a similar Hook.
So, what does all this mean in practical terms?
1. A new Pathfinder AP game is being worked on. And work started probably back in January when people started playing #TabletopTuesdays again.
2. It took half a year to go from absolute nothing to a vertical slice in Kingmaker's dev cycle. And another half a year to go from there to Kickstarter readiness. And then around half a year to get from there to Alpha 1. and 10 months in alpha to get to Beta. and 2 months to go from Beta to Full game. It seems likely, given that timeline, that we will get a Kickstarter this year.(edited)
3. It also seems likely that the next AP will not be cosmic Horror focused. So not Strange Aeons. It might be an AP with elements of Cosmic Horror (like Runelords), but it's Probably also not Carrion Crown, which has a whole Module of Cosmic Horror.(edited)
4. The next Game will likely have a "Hook" like the kingdom management system. This means that the APs with "Hooks" are much more likely choices.
5. It is probably not an underwater AP for the same reason that flight wasn't implemented in Kingmaker. So NOT Ruins of Azlant.
6. It's probably an AP that shares at least some elements with Kingmaker so as to save on Art. So probably not Legacy of Fire or Mummy's mask, or Serpent's skull.(edited)
7. It's not Kingmaker.
StratageminiToday at 6:24 PM
8. APs where Hooks either exist or can be easily added are as follows: Jade Regent (AP# 9, The Caravan system for this AP works pretty well, but the AP stars a character from Rise of the Runelords, the PC isn't the main character, and it's sort of rail-roady) Skull And Shackles (AP #10, Ship management and later on, pirate fleet management. This AP is also wildly popular. But there's some underwater adventuring, and it's kind of similar to Pillars of Eternity Deadfire. and not a lot of shared assets. On the other hand, Owlcat has really great Water Tech.) Shattered Star (AP#11, Uses Pathfinder Society as a framing device for a Fame System. But Fame systems aren't management driven. The AP is a Sequel to Runelords. It's pretty dungeon-crawling focused, and it presupposes that 4 other APs have already happened.) Wrath of the Righteous (AP #13, Army Management and Mythic rules. But Mythic Rules require extensive adjustments to the engine since they're designed to Break rules. But, includes Mass Combat which Owlcat seemed super excited about during Kingmaker's Kickstarter. This is however an alignment restricted AP, so that's tricky.). Iron Gods (AP #15, no overall systems, but the blend of tech and High fantasy could serve as a Hook, and definitely includes sci-fi tech and androids, which could also act as a hook. With that said, I get the feeling that Certain Lead Devs aren't big fans of mixing Sci-Fi and Fantasy)(edited)
Hell's Rebels (AP #17, Includes Rebellion Management Rules, and troop fights. Does have some water levels, but they're easily adapted into something else, or cut out. Owlcat could also implement a Base Management system like in Dungeon Keeper). Ironfang Invasion (AP #20, Has a Militia Management system, and similar themes of "Taking back/forming a kingdom. also a LOT of Kingmaker Art Assets could be reused).
StratageminiToday at 6:37 PM
9. There are some APs that have features that could make them attractive or have a strong following that do not have management-style hooks. I'm going through them below: Rise of the Runelords (AP #1, Wildly popular, enough that Paizo rereleased it in the Pathfinder Ruleset. But pretty linear in a lot of places.) Curse of the Crimson Throne (AP #2 Also popular enough to be rereleased. also has a very strong story and flavorful tone with a lot of potential for city exploration). Council of Thieves (AP #5, has a number of mazes and places where a procedural generated dungeon design would fit. It's also an easy mark for adaptation of Hell's Rebel's Rebellion system) Mummy's Mask (AP #14, No overall management system, but has an Exploration overland map similar to Kingmaker's).
So... given all that, I think the top contenders are: 1. Ironfang Invasion - Probably the easiest to make, a lot of art assets can be ported over and a lot of shared monsters, and the management systems are similar. 2. Hell's Rebels - Very Different flavor, but strong management style hook and a very Popular AP. 3. Rise of the Runelords - Probably the most popular AP. 4. Wrath of the Righteous - The most Ambitious of the choices, but also the most Epic. Goes to 20th level, and Involves Mass Combat and a very epic story. 5. Curse of the Crimson Throne - Extremely popular, very fun characters, a strong flavor, and a good story.
Sadly, yesDoes anyone else have an issue where it takes Steam forever to sync your saves? It is take upwards of 45 minutes for Steam to sync my saves after I close out of the game.![]()
JackOfOwls gave a good advice couple of posts ago about Google Backup & Sync for Google Drive. Dropbox and other similar applications usually have a better version control than Steam.
The last DLC isn't even out yet, so it's fair to say that this is still being patched. That said, it's a lot slower than it was in the beginning, and that's a good thing.Are they still patching this? Last time I played, it was like watching those Russian Youtube car crash videos...the ones with snow. At least tell me they've cleared the snow.
Even bugged, it was the best game since early IE.