I think this is the nail in the coffin to me that I can't stand RtwP. It's so unelegant, chaotic, so low feedback and battles are so unsatisfying.
To me it's not RtwP as such, I've fairly recently replayed IWD and BG(1). It's the implentation. I like chunks of combat on this, but the levels of chaos in more complex combat scenarios is off the charts fairly quickly (and I used to Play competitive online multiplayer in Warcraft 3). None of these Nu-RtWP developers to me understand where Old.-Bioware back then were coming from…which is simplifying inherently more simple AD&D rules for a real-time Environment they've come to love playing plenty Warcraft 2.
Arguably things went more smoothly in low-level AD&D as expected, but in Pathfinder you level up comparably quickly, and also face opponents who equally resolve multiple attacks per round fairly early on -- that is atop of the concentration checks, attacks of opportunity, percentage throws on miss Chance when concealed (with no Feedback outside of the Combat log), movement across the Battlefield and thus in and out of threat ranges/flanking conditions, etcetera. The general pace of the Combat is also significantly higher than in Deadfire for instance -- literally in Terms of how Things are paced, and also in terms of overall balancing, as you'll find friend or foe quickly who do
huge Damage per hit.
Still like the game. As it is, it is just another game that would be better turn based (with different Encounter design, naturally).