Anyone know the exact difference between moderately and much tougher enemies? I see Unfair selects the former by default, but I'm considering turning it up to max
It's the size of the bonus they get to everything (attack rolls, saves, etc). +4 vs +8 difference, I think, but I'm not at all sure about the numbers.Anyone know the exact difference between moderately and much tougher enemies? I see Unfair selects the former by default, but I'm considering turning it up to max
It's the size of the bonus they get to everything (attack rolls, saves, etc). +4 vs +8 difference, I think, but I'm not at all sure about the numbers.Anyone know the exact difference between moderately and much tougher enemies? I see Unfair selects the former by default, but I'm considering turning it up to max
Ah, yes, I see now. I was talking about Enemy Difficulty indeed. Enemy Stat Adjustment is also a similar bonus, but it's applied to their stats: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.It's the size of the bonus they get to everything (attack rolls, saves, etc). +4 vs +8 difference, I think, but I'm not at all sure about the numbers.Anyone know the exact difference between moderately and much tougher enemies? I see Unfair selects the former by default, but I'm considering turning it up to max
I don't think that's true? At least in the game menu, it says those things are governed by "Enemy diffculty", not "Enemy stat adjustments." The latter says its about "Difficulty Class"
Anyone tried this mod? Fuck early game insane diff btw.
fooken spriggans ruined my perfect ending
Good job. Pathfinder can be really exhaustive and trying at times. I myself sighed in relief with my first playthrough - then went back and did another run, because I'm retarded.its over and im cryin its beautiful
Does the Arcane Weapon feature that adds flaming/shock work properly with Eldritch Archer? Anyone know?
So it's released or i need to wait another year?
Didn't you die or something?Good job. Pathfinder can be really exhaustive and trying at times. I myself sighed in relief with my first playthrough - then went back and did another run, because I'm retarded.its over and im cryin its beautiful
Haven't played an archer. But see no reason it wouldn't (starting at level 5).Does the Arcane Weapon feature that adds flaming/shock work properly with Eldritch Archer? Anyone know?
Haven't played an archer. But see no reason it wouldn't (starting at level 5).Does the Arcane Weapon feature that adds flaming/shock work properly with Eldritch Archer? Anyone know?