Yeah, and then Николай Первый had to spend all of his reign putting off fires in Europe that were lit by American and then French revolutions. Abominations are to be killed in infancy, not allowed to fester.You confuse the brain fungus of the GAE with the underlying American Way that was fast friends with Пётр Вели́кий.
Anyway, those last 10 pages gave me a good laugh. I appreciate the effort of all the participants.
There is another matter, though. When monkeys are asking for "modern interface" that "explains formulae" and that the information is "buried in the game" they are more dangerous than they seem.
The problem is - everything costs resources. Writing something as a static text for an adult and then putting it on a static page is the cheapest way. Writing a static text that a mentally challenged child would understand is more expensive and requires a special education teacher. Creating a hyperlink with a tooltip which is dynamically changed according to the input values and shows the calculation formula is the most expensive (I guess). Owlcat Games decided not to spend resources on that, and instead, say, created Nok-Nok, or Jaethal quest line, or developed a happy threesome. Or something.
On the other hand, we have Larian. Their target audience are monkeys, so they overhauled the dice roll animation again. Completely. Now it looks like a spell from Harry Potter, but with numbers. No dreadful arithmetic is in sight. They know that the idea of calculus is foreign to their target audience, so they have to spend the budget to hide it. Meanwhile, the camping still looks like teleporting from the game world to some remote safe location as if the party has Elminster hidden somewhere.
The problem with Owlcat Games is they have to chose between "modern UI" and the rest of the game. The problem with Larian is that they can hire 10 more developers, but then they will have to harvest another million of monkeys. I very much prefer the former, and monkeys be damned. However, it is not a given that Owlcat will be able to do it indefinitely. And that is the danger.
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