Regarding the stop and hold buttons. Stop - stops the current activity of a character. For example, the character will stop moving Hold - The character will hold their current position, only attacking enemies within their reach. They won't move unless you order them to. This button is a toggle on/off now, but doesn't show this way in the UI. So if you noticed that your melee characters stopped moving closer to enemies, try to click on the Hold button once. It will probably fix it, because it will turn off the Hold toggle. In the future we will make it visible whether Hold is on or off to avoid confusion. @Beta
I grew up with WarCraft 2, StarCraft and WarCraft 3, so, for me, whenever these posts happen, it's like... trying to teach the drooling image of the village idiot how to drink water from the local well.
I have never played and will never play any RTS. Without indefinite time to think my brain stops working (and I drop dead on the floor).I grew up with WarCraft 2, StarCraft and WarCraft 3, so, for me, whenever these posts happen, it's like... trying to teach the drooling image of the village idiot how to drink water from the local well.
Btw is there any SAMURAI class in Wrath?
If this game is anything like Kingmaker, the correct way to build an Eldritch Knight is to play a Magus with zero Eldritch Knight levels. The EK is an anachronistic heritage of D&D 3.x, where you needed prestige classes to play a fighter/caster hybrid. Since in Pathfinder these hybrids already exist as base classes, there's really no point to it. I mean, yes, you get a different spell list, if that's what you're into.Eldritch knight?
How you would buuld one?
But if you're really stubborn, the basic entry options are Paladin 2/Sorcerer 6, Fighter 1/Wizard 5, or just Wizard 5 if the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat still gives proficiency with all the weapons.
AND IF OWLCAT IS LISTENING, they really should homebrew a new Eldritch Knight taking inspiration from the 3.5 Abjurant Champion. THANK YOU OWLCAT, VERY COOL.
The genius of these games is you can basically play 3.5 (OMG full BAB and fast spell progression!) while assuming those other 2,573 abilities all suck and be none the wiser other than coming up against a few mobs that aren’t vulnerable to your narrow lines of attack or you know having to slog through trash fights while people who play the actual game fly through them.
Pretty much any build that plans to suck the whole game before finally getting that uber ability (and the EK capstone is far from that - if you’re critting you’re already winning) is theorycrafting at best.
How I can reform my party on ch4? I wanna visit the brothel of the then thousand delights, but if Arueshalae sees me doing that, she will be pissed off.
So far, I an loving the portrait of the Abyss. Everything and everyone is very chaotic and you will be backstabed many times. Also, only because you are really powerful on the material plane, doesn't means that you are powerful here. Thanadaemons(CR13) are regular guards on the lower parts of the town here. If you wanna read bellow, will be spoilers.
My main objective is to get enough renown to get a audience with the Nocticula among other things. So far, I had some fights on the arena and the arena battles are very chaotic. The judge got bored and started to cast spells in the area, I got taken as slave with a mysterious collar and my enslaves killed thenselves to death after a discussion of who betrayed who. I also bough and freed some slaves. But I don't have enough renown to get Nocticula's attention.
So far, the game is being a complete masterpiece. Chaotic evil is often retarded evil in video games. I an enjoying this part of the game a lot
How I can reform my party on ch4? I wanna visit the brothel of the then thousand delights, but if Arueshalae sees me doing that, she will be pissed off.
So far, I an loving the portrait of the Abyss. Everything and everyone is very chaotic and you will be backstabed many times. Also, only because you are really powerful on the material plane, doesn't means that you are powerful here. Thanadaemons(CR13) are regular guards on the lower parts of the town here. If you wanna read bellow, will be spoilers.
My main objective is to get enough renown to get a audience with the Nocticula among other things. So far, I had some fights on the arena and the arena battles are very chaotic. The judge got bored and started to cast spells in the area, I got taken as slave with a mysterious collar and my enslaves killed thenselves to death after a discussion of who betrayed who. I also bough and freed some slaves. But I don't have enough renown to get Nocticula's attention.
So far, the game is being a complete masterpiece. Chaotic evil is often retarded evil in video games. I an enjoying this part of the game a lot
Is this in a good state? How much meat on the bone currently exists?
The RPG famine has me tempted to give it a go despite wanting to wait till its finished.
I'd say they are mediocre warriors and mediocre mages. Melee/mage combos work only when the melee side is very good and you use the mage side to buff that to godly levels. EKs get very rudimentary melee abilities and you are better off casting damaging spells than letting melee consume your actions in any given turn. The Spell Critical feat they gain at level 10 is okay (if you get a crit) and I'd say it's the only cool thing the EK gets, but you need to heavily invest in an otherwise mediocre class.I don't understand what seems to be wrong with Eldritch Knight. My favourite Russian speaking youtuber published one interesting build for it which I am trying in WotR now.
It really is no fun to block core class features from the majority of you game. As a DM, you either tell the player not to pick that class or you warp your world to allow it. It's not like it's something gamebreaking.pretty lame that you can mount inside the dungeons.
mounted combat would be better if it was reserved for special occasions, ie traveling on the wasteland or certain dungeon areas build for it.
On the tabletop you can only enter dungeons if you're using a medium mount, which means medium sized cavaliers can't usually use their mounts in dungeons (without beast rider shenanigans anyway).
This is a problematic rule though, as most APs are dungeon heavy and Cavaliers and Samurai are both heavily dependent on their mount to be competitive with other martials unless they take a mountless archetype (in which case, why not just play any of the standard martials?)
A lot of DMs hand wave the mount size and just allow people to take warhorses into dungeons, and people playing with strict DMs usually just play with small races so they can use medium mounts in dungeons.
It really is no fun to block core class features from the majority of you game. As a DM, you either tell the player not to pick that class or you warp your world to allow it. It's not like it's something gamebreaking.pretty lame that you can mount inside the dungeons.
mounted combat would be better if it was reserved for special occasions, ie traveling on the wasteland or certain dungeon areas build for it.
On the tabletop you can only enter dungeons if you're using a medium mount, which means medium sized cavaliers can't usually use their mounts in dungeons (without beast rider shenanigans anyway).
This is a problematic rule though, as most APs are dungeon heavy and Cavaliers and Samurai are both heavily dependent on their mount to be competitive with other martials unless they take a mountless archetype (in which case, why not just play any of the standard martials?)
A lot of DMs hand wave the mount size and just allow people to take warhorses into dungeons, and people playing with strict DMs usually just play with small races so they can use medium mounts in dungeons.
alternatively just have player take appropriate mount like i get that horse wont be much use there, but equivalent of warg or Smilodon would still be usefull there.
This title is in a working beta, which means there is a lot of things to fix, but the scope and work involved lead us to think that this title looks very promising.Is this in a good state?
By my estimate, so far, about 50 to 60% complete. This, however, should not discourage you, since this 60% is still enough content to last you years, if not decades.How much meat on the bone currently exists?
I would strongly recommend to wait for the final product, unless you're a huge fan of what's going on. My personal opinion is that if you're not 100% invested and interested in what's going on, you will end up extremely frustrated, since it is a work in progress. Otherwise, you're free to invest your money and time as you see fit, of course.The RPG famine has me tempted to give it a go despite wanting to wait till its finished.
It sounds like a perfect caster build to beat saving throws. What's wrong with that?So you'd rather go Sorc20/Lich10
of bandits and killers with mentality of Middle Eastern Dictaror in this game ?
By my estimate, so far, about 50 to 60% complete.
As I've stated before, I would give at least 20% of the funds & time to debugging. These days ensuring that the player has an uninterrupted and immersive experience the 2h they invest in your game is gold. Many gamers find that "respecting my time" should be a priority for game developers.Is the final game 7 chapters long?
I think DC casters have a lot of options actually. Stacking CLs doesn't give you better DCs in Pathfinder. So what you're looking for is a competition between Lich/Angel's Level 10 spells (10 base DC for those spells) vs Azata's Favorable Magic vs Demon's 5+DC swings via Aspects.It sounds like a perfect caster build to beat saving throws. What's wrong with that?So you'd rather go Sorc20/Lich10
I hope those people have their parents die from COVID-19, and their children die from leukemia. This is the only way they can repent the fact of their existence.Many gamers find that "respecting my time" should be a priority for game developers.
It sounds like a perfect caster build to beat saving throws. What's wrong with that?So you'd rather go Sorc20/Lich10