Just like Yves, I chase tales.
They fucked up a Nabassu's spelling. It's with a double S.
They fucked up a Nabassu's spelling. It's with a double S.
Roll a barbarian.I still don't know what the fuck to play
happy mageI still don't know what the fuck to play
welcome to pathfinderIs there any bonus to regular armor in WotR that I'm not seeing? With the addition of the mythic ability "Archmage Armor", regular old metal feels even more useless than Kingmaker. For the price of one mythic ability, you get +1 ac/mythic rank and can stack dex/cha/int whatever in addition to it. What's even the point of armor at that point? Why isn't any bonus afforded to those who want to wear actual armor, like "Armored Might" from regular Pathfinder?
What's stopping Owlcat from implementing Armored Might, other than their inherent favoritism of dex faggotry?welcome to pathfinder
for one because bracers of armor exist so it wouldn't even come close to redressing the gap between armor and naked fightersWhat's stopping Owlcat from implementing Armored Might, other than their inherent favoritism of dex faggotry?welcome to pathfinder
So according to you, because it doesn't completely fix the problem, the problem ought to not be addressed at all?for one because bracers of armor exist so it wouldn't even come close to redressing the gap between armor and naked fighters
Not at all, the first post was more like groaning about this one very bad aspect of Pathfinder. Armor is useless, dipping everywhere to add CHA, WIS, INT, CON to AC while wearing bracers is king. And the worst thing is that Pathfinder designers think that 'hey we can balance this by adding special abilities to armor'. So I don't expect Owlcat to do what is necessary (delete the monk class). Especially since there's an audience for the min maxers who do it. From what I understand Owlcat even goes out of its way to let you stack CHA or WIS to AC twice, which is not a thing DMs in Pathfinder ever let you do.So according to you, because it doesn't completely fix the problem, the problem ought to not be addressed at all?for one because bracers of armor exist so it wouldn't even come close to redressing the gap between armor and naked fighters
(delete the monk class).
Ah okay then. I got confused about the bracers part, because archmage armor doesn't stack with them (pretty sure) and the availability of bracers in a crpg can be controlled by the developers. Still, the addition of armored might (or equivalent) would go a long way in balancing the scales. Dodge tanking would still be king of course, but a armored fighter would be able to stand on his own then. One way Owlcat could fix this is to introduce insane armor to the game. Just have the players get straight up +20 armor or something like that.Not at all, the first post was more of groaning about this one very bad aspect of Pathfinder. Armor is useless, dipping everywhere to add CHA, WIS, INT, CON to AC while wearing bracers is king. And the worst thing is that Pathfinder designers think that 'hey we can balance this by adding special abilities to armor'. So I don't expect Owlcat to do what is necessary (delete the monk class).
Question me again and I'll delete Hunter next.(delete the monk class).
Pinkeye disapproves.
Seriously. Deleting class for """balance"""" reasons. Lets have only one class. Fighter. 100% balanced. 100% boring.
I still don't know what the fuck to play
I still don't know what the fuck to play
The hurr, durr armor is useless is such a stupid made up problem. So many people destroying their builds chasing after this nonsense.
(1) Equipment slots are good - Wrath gives you all kinds of bonuses tacked on to armor, especially Light and Medium
(2) The big AC bracers your math relies on both don’t exist in Wrath and also eat up another equipment slot that you want to fill with additional bonuses rather than worrying about AC.
(3) Archmage Armor? Have none if you phaggots ever had to deal with opportunity costs in your lives? Mythic abilities are the rarest resource in the game and there is all kinds of broken shit they let casters do. Instead you’re blowing it on a couple AC because of some ghey meme from PnPers.
Use your Armor proficiencies. Play your class instead of chasing stupid memes. You’ll be ahead of the game and have a lot more fun. Isn’t the whole point of being an Archmage not having to worry about Armor in the first place?
also works with wands and scrolls atm, and it works on other people. as long as the archmage armor holder casts it.A gish or a melee that has access to mage armor, it's looking like a much more attractive deal.
I want my bracer slot for all those Bracers Of Extra Damage tho. I don't think I used bracers of armor at all much in my beta plays.bracers of armor
Wait what I didn't even think of that. If it works on other people, you can just have you mage cast it on you. At mythic rank 5 in chapter 4, you'd then be at +9 ac with no gear on your part. Why would anyone wear light or medium armor at that point? Even heavy armor is pointless then, if you have enough dex or have dipped to sword saint or monk or both.also works with wands and scrolls atm, and it works on other people. as long as the archmage armor holder casts it.