I did not know that...It will, it's got a turn based mode too.
I should have known those Russian kikes would fuck me over.
Hopefully it doesn't turn out like Arcanum. TB and RTwP can work fine individually, mix them together and you get shit.
It will be NOTHING like Arcanum and M&M VI-IX hybrid abortions.
Turn Based mod for P:K is already available for more then a year and works absolutely beautifully. The official mode should be even better. So no worries there.
The new TB-mode comes out on Aug 17th, correct? I never finished my Kingmaker playthrough, I was tired of the game before the ending (for me the gameplay only really works before mid-end game levels, at least in RT), then the ending made me put away the game and I never picked it back up to finish even if I meant to. So I'll definetely try the TB mode. With the amount of fights I hope there's a fast-forward button tho
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