Thanks to
Daidre's massive assistance (dude wouldn't even fucking accept a Steam gift after he helped me for hours, what a master) I actually got somewhere today, been spending almost the entire day on building and re-building, lol. Only missing the divine caster (honestly, navigating through the maze of options for MC and archer + deciding on one of the many mounted fighter builds I strung together took most of the time, Witch and Shieldbasher took maybe one hour total...).
As usual, feel free to shit on stuff and suggest corrections. Mythics especially could probably use work?
I'm pretty set in stone on the rough outlines of MC, Shieldbasher and Archer, but they could still be changed within that framework. Mounted dude I dunno about, I switched back and forth on many builds and ended up with some basic bitch shit, but there are so few ways to get Pounce.
Updated MC is here:
Very little room to change stuff here except for moving aroud feats and maybe changing level 20. Mythic abilities could still be changed though.
Shieldbasher (Wenduag):
I mean, it builds itself. Only decision really was "which class", and since I've never played Slayer even that was pretty easily decided when Daidre put it forward. It's the only one out of the four melees without Shatter Defenses, but hard to see where to fit it in.
Mounted fighter (Arushalae):
Ended up going in a totally different direction on this one... basically I decided I would like to have at least one Pouncer to see how it played with the mounts, and Mad Dog seemed the obvious solution, which required chaotic alignment. Feat starved as hell, but we got there. Less quirky than I would have liked but it's hard to see more room for experimentation. We tried some stuff with Urban Hunter and shit like that, but the feat space was just too tight.
Archer (Regill):
Sohei just seems hella cool what with Rapid Shot+Flurry. There are so many things I wanted to do with this build but Sohei requiring 11 levels made it difficult as fuck (that's why Magus is delayed until level 16 :'( ). There's probably a lot of room for improvement here, but I've tinkered with it for so long I've stared myself blind on it. Without Daidre the build would probably be even more fucked and mediocre than it already is (if I was optimizing the build would definetely be strictly better if built completely around snap shot - could even be mounted that way). But it looks fun.
Witch (Ember):
oh and here's a skill matrix
Athletics | Main Char, Arushalae |
Mobility | Wenduag, Regill, Arushalae |
Trickery | Main Char |
Stealth | Wenduag, Arushalae |
Arcana | Main Char, Ember |
World | Ember, Camellia |
Nature | Regill, Ember |
Religion | Ember, Camellia |
Perception | Regill, Camellia |
Persuasion | Main Char |
Use Magic Device | Ember |