Some more fun in Blackwater.
On Unfair those cyber-enhanced mobs have really high CMD, so the Mobility checks are not easy to make. Still its a fun and effective playstyle.
I mean, I did some investigation in the thread, literally checking 50+ pages manually, so some of the questions are resolved, however some are still remain the actual (Very new to Wrath, had some experience with Kingmaker & D&D overall before).
I believe the build on the screen is (going to be)
Sword Saint 13 / Rowdy Rogue 1 / Loremaster 1 / Instinctual Warrior 2 / Mutation Warrior 3
It's using Trickster Mobility 2 as a core feature, obviously has stuff like Combat Reflexes, Stealthy, Power attack and (very likely) stats spread like that:
STR 13
DEX 19
CON 10 (11?)
WIS 14
INT 16
Also in your case it's using scythe and I'm not sure how it is possible to finesse that weapon (I was planning to use elven curved blade, like guy from here
Few more questions besides that:
- How's that character moving in a such a... "teleportation" manner?
- Is build like that playable on console with no mods (TTT)?
- It seems to be there's a spike in character awesomeness, when is that happening? I see that it's at least level 11, but maybe earlier?
I'd REALLY appreciate if you (or somebody else) will share some build breakdown for newbies, because I had a lot of fun even just watching the demonstration videos!
I'm not using Rowdy->Loremaster. I finally decided against using Vital Strike (although it is certainly a valid approach). As long as you're able to reliably beat the Mobility checks, spending the entire Standard action on a single attack, even strong, is a DPR loss. Could move a lot during that Standard action and trigger a lot of AoOs. Of course, a Vital Strike could still be the better course of action vs some tough bossess or enemies who's CMD you can't beat (for example on Unfair).
STR 11 (+4 Str belt or buff -2 Reduce Person will still allow the use of Power Attack - on the other hand, it will be a while before you can pick it)
DEX 19 (should be. I went with 20 - which is a mistake, considering that the best Dex item cannot be boosted to odd value with Arcana Trick)
CON 11
WIS 17 ( I actually have 15 here due to too many points spent on Dex)
INT 15
The build is:
As for how one can use a scythe? It needs fighter Weapon Training in Heavy Blades (needs 5 fighter levels) and Fighter's Finesse (makes any trained weapon finessable) plus Mythic Weapon Finesse feat - to add Dex to damage to finessable weapons.
The other questions:
- How's that character moving in a such a... "teleportation" manner?
It isn't really. I move while enmies cannot because I play in Turn Based mode. Mobility Trick 1 adds +50% move speed in Acrobatic Movement mode. I get bonus speed from buffs and barbarian levels. And last but not least, from Impossible Speed mythic ability from the TableTop Tweaks mod.
- Is build like that playable on console with no mods (TTT)?
Yes. Biggest loss is Impossible Speed, which really improves your Move Speed by a lot early, as well as earlier 2nd Improved Trick (for example to improve crits with Perception earlier) and TTT modifications to Perception Tricks (without TTT you'd need to buy the crit feats to improve the crit rate/damage). You're also loosing stuff like Shingle Runner to boost your Mobility further (but in vanilla you can stack some +Dex effects you cannot with TTT - perhaps kitsune Master Shapeshifter and Reduce/Microscopic Proportions, so this one might even out). Also Graceful Athlete to easily max Athletics skill. But in general that playstyle should still be quite playable.
- It seems to be there's a spike in character awesomeness, when is that happening? I see that it's at least level 11, but maybe earlier?
Well, early game is so-so. You start pretty weak, become a decent tank with Mutagen Discovery at Mutation Warrior 3. The your offense improves a little with MW 5 and Finesse Training in Heavy Blades. Things improve a lot at the start of Act 2 when you buy Wide Sweep scythe, which is a fantastic weapon that'll serve you well even before getting Mythic Weapon Finesse. When you get it at Lost Chapel around level 8 things will improve again... and again with Power Attack.
But things really take off only in Act 3 - probably not sooner then at level 11. You need to access and do your Mythic Quest to reach Mythic Rank 4 to pick Mobility Improved Trick. It is possible before doing pretty much any act 3 content by pursuing quests in the capital and managing the army and kingdom, but it'll take a while.
If you have any other questions - shoot.