Starting on Core and kicking it up difficulty as you go is playing the game as designed. That's what higher difficulties are for and makes for the smoothest difficulty curve since you start out with so few abilities.
Eh, even if everyone isn't a masochist like me, I think Hard or even Unfair (depending on your build, of course) can be fairly enjoyable even from level 1-6. The main issue is the double damage. That's what pushes highest difficulties way over the reload-sperg top. TBH it was like that in Kingmaker as well, Kingmaker just had a bigger nosedive difficulty-wise.
One difference from Kingmaker is that after Kenabres, you have a ton of one-fight maps and without double damage those maps are very lenient on the highest difficulties, you might have to reload on a crit or whatever, but if you know what you're doing and you haven't nerfed your party too much, they should be doable even with the intense stat-bloat.
I'm in for a penny in for a pound here, but I'm definetely switching x2 damage off on subsequent playthroughs, and may even turn down the difficulty to hard during Kenabres.
And yeah, I think I'm starting to expect that I will be going for another playthrough of this one unless the upcoming chapters get really bad. I've enjoyed my time more than I did with Kingmaker, which is surprising since Codex consensus (except for the few diehards in this thread) seems to be that this game is somehow worse than Kingmaker. Do the later chapters really get that bad?
Only thing that stands out to me as worse so far is itemization (900 copy-pasted items with slightly different on-crit abilities), but that seems to be changing now - the last couple of items I've found have been more unique and the sense of sandbox/openess. While exploring Kenabres was awesome and the dungeons have been much, much better than Kingmaker's so far, there's definetely less open world exploration. IDGAF about that though - I'll take quality dungeons over the false feeling of a sandbox ANY DAY. Dungeon design is a lost art, but assaulting the garrison was a real treat. I was disappointed about Drezen in comparison, and that's not because Drezen was bad, it was fairly good in fact. I was just very happy about Garrisson.
And of course, what we're all actually here for - the build sperging combat-fighting - is just turned to 11 with this one. The build variety is insane, mounted combat actually works as it should most of the time and the encounter design is WAY, WAY better. Even throwaway trash fights in Drezen have some thought put into them: three vrocks on a cluttered wall, multiple brims in a wide open area. The ghoul fight in the Citadel was just hugely fun - and I didn't even have the AoE-spells to presumably make it a real hoot.
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