No, Wide Sweep does not do aoe Vital Strikes. Just regular strikes. Therefore wants to attack often, not once per round.I was wondering about the vital strike 11 rowdy / 9 vivi or 20 two-handed figter (both should be similarly strong).For Unfair Mad Dog with Leopard would probably be most painless, though as Daidre notes you can also get the Leopard from a companion.
We tested Hagbound and if Vile Curse is using the right stat now it works well with Demon.
I’m playing Polymorphed (with Mythic Poly) Instinctual Warrior and its solid. Straight up IW should also be good.
I'm just not sure if vital strike makes any sense on Unfair.
Does wide sweep work with a vital strike?
Won that this time without a fight.Unless it was recently "balanced", wizard generals made life easier.
My first ever playthrough, one year ago, I picked a warrior general and oh man.
Especially the gargoyles you encounter in chapter 2 near Regil's place.
It’s… not objectively the best. I don’t think you guys know what objectively means. Not a one-dimensional game and any general can blow out the game since it’s too easy.
Since they made it a Standard Action it goes well (along with Cleave) with classes that have powerful Move Actions to pair with it like Freebooter's Bane and Demon Teleport. Or just you know moving, but Demon doesn't need to do that.No, Wide Sweep does not do aoe Vital Strikes. Just regular strikes. Therefore wants to attack often, not once per round.I was wondering about the vital strike 11 rowdy / 9 vivi or 20 two-handed figter (both should be similarly strong).For Unfair Mad Dog with Leopard would probably be most painless, though as Daidre notes you can also get the Leopard from a companion.
We tested Hagbound and if Vile Curse is using the right stat now it works well with Demon.
I’m playing Polymorphed (with Mythic Poly) Instinctual Warrior and its solid. Straight up IW should also be good.
I'm just not sure if vital strike makes any sense on Unfair.
Does wide sweep work with a vital strike?
Vital Strike can be used on Unfair and can be pretty potent, but its generally easier to have multiple iterative, which are particularly deadly if you can get Pounce from somewhere (for example from Skald with Greater Beast Totem).
And Ranger gets AoE Confuse to start with and Melee gets AoE Stun soon enough. If you're having trouble breezing through the game with any of them you're hardly even trying.It’s… not objectively the best. I don’t think you guys know what objectively means. Not a one-dimensional game and any general can blow out the game since it’s too easy.
Yes, any General can, but Mage types can do it sooner and to a much greater degree. Specially at high levels. After you pick up Fire Storm + Twincast on a Mage General, you pretty much don't even need an army anymore. If you win Initiative, a double Fire Storm right after the battle starts is almost always enough to completely wipe out the enemy army without any of your units having to attack once*. No other General type can do that. And even earlier, neither of the other two General types get anything as impactful as Fireball at level 7, Hold Monster/Ice Storm at level 10 (or was it 11?) etc. This doesn't mean the other types can't also be strong if you know what you're doing, but Mages are objectively the best on top of requiring the least amount of effort to play effectively. This is pretty much universally agreed upon.
*inb4 "what about armies with Balors and other fire-immune creatures?", but in that case just replace Fire Storm with Greater Channel Negative Energy and the same applies
Won that this time without a fight.Unless it was recently "balanced", wizard generals made life easier.
My first ever playthrough, one year ago, I picked a warrior general and oh man.
Especially the gargoyles you encounter in chapter 2 near Regil's place.
You do buy the army from Irabeth, right?
Last time I fought them it took four rounds and was trivial. Gargs themselves have -2 damage lol, and if you take either the +2 dam or Close Combat abilities you can cut through them fast, especially since Cleric Smite bypasses DR.
And Ranger gets AoE Confuse to start with and Melee gets AoE Stun soon enough. If you're having trouble breezing through the game with any of them you're hardly even trying.
It's 7.5k lol. I don't have to it's foolish not to, especially now that you can just skip everything if you have enough units, including Incubus fight. Yeah, I never buy resources until beginning of ch 3 since Mats are so cheap but still only maybe 10-15k to get the ball rolling.Won that this time without a fight.Unless it was recently "balanced", wizard generals made life easier.
My first ever playthrough, one year ago, I picked a warrior general and oh man.
Especially the gargoyles you encounter in chapter 2 near Regil's place.
You do buy the army from Irabeth, right?
Last time I fought them it took four rounds and was trivial. Gargs themselves have -2 damage lol, and if you take either the +2 dam or Close Combat abilities you can cut through them fast, especially since Cleric Smite bypasses DR.
The fact you need to buy Irabeth's army and with a caster general you don't makes it better, don't you think?
Anyway no, I don't buy the army and don't buy materials or anything else, I save all gold from chap II and III to buy items (like rods from skele merchant that will disappear in the next chapter) and chapter IV items.
Also how do you deal with the incubus army with the incubus general spamming rays with a warrior general? That's chapter II as well.
This is not a situation that comes up. My lvl 4 Melee Army took out the lvl 6 Minos to get STR belt and went down to clear out the lvl7 Skelies at lvl 6 this time because they can't beat a level 8 enemy army with a level 3 army
Considering that you only need one the way the game is now this isn't something I'm interested in anyway. If I were I'd want a Melee second general to make good use of all the chaff that would otherwise go to waste.Other types exist mostly to bolster your existing army, Mages are like having an additional army on the field.
It's 7.5k lol. I don't have to it's foolish not to, especially now that you can just skip everything if you have enough units, including Incubus fight. Yeah, I never buy resources until beginning of ch 3 since Mats are so cheap but still only maybe 10-15k to get the ball rolling.Won that this time without a fight.Unless it was recently "balanced", wizard generals made life easier.
My first ever playthrough, one year ago, I picked a warrior general and oh man.
Especially the gargoyles you encounter in chapter 2 near Regil's place.
You do buy the army from Irabeth, right?
Last time I fought them it took four rounds and was trivial. Gargs themselves have -2 damage lol, and if you take either the +2 dam or Close Combat abilities you can cut through them fast, especially since Cleric Smite bypasses DR.
The fact you need to buy Irabeth's army and with a caster general you don't makes it better, don't you think?
Anyway no, I don't buy the army and don't buy materials or anything else, I save all gold from chap II and III to buy items (like rods from skele merchant that will disappear in the next chapter) and chapter IV items.
Also how do you deal with the incubus army with the incubus general spamming rays with a warrior general? That's chapter II as well.
How did I win Incubus fight when you couldn't skip it? Stocking up on max Clerics and doing one fight a day instead of rushing thorough the map. Melee General gets bigger Heal Tent.
Also how do you deal with the incubus army with the incubus general spamming rays with a warrior general? That's chapter II as well.
Ranger/Melee is probably about 10% weaker than Caster
it's for sure much easier to win that battle with a Mage of equal level.
Again with the second person.I was not aware that now you can skip fights, I am talking about the preskipping era obviously.
Anyway clerics are mercs and you need to wait they get replenished, and if you need to buy them in a decent amount, especially at the start, you need to spend $$$.
Same with the army.
So mage generals used to be objectively better, no need to spend gold, no need to wait etc etc.
Now with the skipping it may as well not matter anymore.
It's about where KM was before Wildcards, so maybe the Shifter DLC is where they'll finally take another real pass at it. The addition of the skipping means they are still working on it.Btw kingmaker "kingdom management" was so much better than this, I am so glad you can now skip the fights.
Btw kingmaker "kingdom management" was so much better than this
Sigh.A Warrior General can also get Cure Wounds at a certain level, so in theory you can neutralize that Incubus' impact on the battle if you can heal as much as he damages each turn. But that also means you must have an army strong enough to handle his with effectively no other help from your General. Perfectly doable, but it's for sure much easier to win that battle with a Mage of equal level.
Not meaningfully. You'd have to get awfully unlucky for it to matter much if you're playing well. The mechanics are much better explained in Wrath though so maybe you were missing some things in KM that reduced the margin for error.prone to punishing players just for having bad luck
As with the free Kinetic Infusions I don't count obvious bugs as objective. Hunt is akin to Freebooter's Bane, Dispersal of Forces to Weapon Training on Fighter. Take those away and say that Wiz/Sorc is objectively better and you're not saying anything meaningful.I'm glad you finally admitted, even as begrudgingly as you did, that Mages are objectively stronger.
No, Melee General doesn't get Heal until ch 3. It does get a bigger Heal Tent.
Again with the second person.I was not aware that now you can skip fights, I am talking about the preskipping era obviously.
Anyway clerics are mercs and you need to wait they get replenished, and if you need to buy them in a decent amount, especially at the start, you need to spend $$$.
Same with the army.
So mage generals used to be objectively better, no need to spend gold, no need to wait etc etc.
Now with the skipping it may as well not matter anymore.
I just completed ch 2, got two stacks of Clerics per week (3 or 4 weeks not sure which), and bought no Finances. Don't buy HKs (although if I'm not mistaken they've been buffed too).
Skipping sounds more like they gave up.It's about where KM was before Wildcards, so maybe the Shifter DLC is where they'll finally take another real pass at it. The addition of the skipping means they are still working on it.
Crusade feels too disconnected from the main game, and after mid game has no challenge, and is more a chore than anything.Btw kingmaker "kingdom management" was so much better than this
Meh, I'd say equally shitty-ish, but in the opposite direction. Crusade Mode is too predictable and easy, Kingdom Management was too random and prone to punishing players just for having bad luck.
Crusade feels too disconnected from the main game
It was implemented poorly because they listened to all people complaining about kingdom management and time limits, so they came up with this.Crusade feels too disconnected from the main game
Probably because it was implemented poorly, but idea-wise, ripping of HoMM was a good choice and fits the theme of your character being in charge of a military operation with a specific goal.
There are no buildings in ch2. I fight once per day with the army, and had enough Finances to buy both Cleric stacks when they came up without buying Finances with party gold. I bought Protector of Life Amulet, Dark Veil, Bracers of the Wizard, and Bracers of Rough Landing (in addition to the usual stuff like Spell Pen Robe and Haste Wand) so party gold was tight.But you said you are skipping the fights (autoresolve?).
Also I am 100% sure I had not enough gold to buy the clerics you say you bought.
So either, they changed something on crusade side, or you are waiting a lot by massing buildings and shit, if you don't convert party gold in crusade units.
It wouldn't need to be that major. Just some playtesting to fix the vaporware and making the foes more varied (spell resistant stuff etc) along with stronger attacking armies so you'd need more than one good army of your own to cover the map. Which is just basic HoMM stuff. The relics (the main reward) could use another pass because most of them are junk with a few gems, likewise the items you can unlock.Crusade feels too disconnected from the main game
Probably because it was implemented poorly, but idea-wise, ripping of HoMM was a good choice and fits the theme of your character being in charge of a military operation with a specific goal.
I don't think it's unsalvageable, but it would require a major overhaul to make it good and that doesn't seem to be a remote consideration for Owlcat's to-do list.
Don't buy HKs (although if I'm not mistaken they've been buffed too).
Kingdom management had nice rewards (artisans, versus not so great relics), occasionally quests, and they took great care in writing down all different kind of resolutions based on the advisor you used, which I appreciated.
HKs were extremely useful, since you pewpew everything with magic, and just need units to tank.
Don't buy HKs (although if I'm not mistaken they've been buffed too).
But why?
They are typically the backbone of my army in later Act 2 and also first half of Act 3. Before the cavalery upgrade (light cavalery is pretty much useless, deals little damage and dies when the enemy looks their way), they are the most mobile unit, quite tanky and capable of dealing a little damage as well (frankly no units deal good damage before upgrades).