Eldritch Archer 16/Fighter 1/Demonslayer 1/Zen Archer 1/Instinctual Warrior 1
Ranged Damage (STR/DEX/INT/WIS)
Race: Elf
Alignment: Lawful Evil -> Chaotic Evil
Background: Pickpocket (Street Urchin)
Deity: Urgathoa
Ability Score Distribution: (25 points)
- STR: 14
- DEX: 19 (+2) [+5 => 24]
- CON: 10 (-2)
- INT: 16 (+2)
- WIS: 12
- CHA: 08
Skills: 3/level
- Perception (20): skill checks
- Mobility (20): skill checks
- Trickery (20): skill checks
- Kn. World (20):
- Kn. Arcana (20):
Feats (*: bonus feat):
L01 Zen Archer 1: Weapon Focus (Longbow), Precise Shot*,
Perfect Strike
L02 Eldritch Archer 1: -
L03 Eldritch Archer 2: Spell Penetration
L04 Eldritch Archer 3:
Arcana (Arcane Accuracy)
L05 Eldritch Archer 4: Greater Spell Penetration
L06 Eldritch Archer 5: Dazzling Display*
L07 Eldritch Archer 6: Metamagic (Bolster),
Arcana (Prescient Attack)
L08 Eldritch Archer 7: -
L09 Eldritch Archer 8: Shatter Defenses
L10 Eldritch Archer 9:
Arcana (Ghost Blade)
L11 Eldritch Archer 10: Metamagic (Empower)
L12 Eldritch Archer 11: Weapon Specialization (Longbow)*
L13 Eldritch Archer 12: Improved Critical (Longbow),
Arcana (Enduring Blade)
L14 Eldritch Archer 13: -
L15 Eldritch Archer 14: Point-Blank Master
L16 Eldritch Archer 15:
Arcana (Dimension Strike/Maximised Spell?)
L17 Eldritch Archer 16: Improved Initiative
L18 Fighter 1: Arcane Strike*
L19 Demonslayer 1: Greater Weapon Focus,
Favored Enemy (Evil Outsiders)
L20 Instinctual Warrior 1:
Focused Rage, Fervent Reflexes
M01: Abundant Casting
M02: Sorcerous Reflex
M03: [Demon Path] Ascendant Element (Fire)
M04: Mythic Weapon Specialization, Aspect of Vrock
M05: Improved Abundant Casting, Aspect of Brimorak, Aspect of Coloxus & Vavakia
M06: Spell Penetration (Mythic), Aspect of Succubus
M07: Last Stand, Aspect of Nabasu, Aspect of Omox
M08: Improved Initiative (Mythic), Aspect of Incubus
M09: Abundant Arcane Pool, Aspect of Pazuzu
M10: Improved Critical (Mythic), Aspect of Nocticula
Endgame Ability Scores (buffed, with items):
- STR: 48 (15 base, +8 Enh, +2 Elixir, +10 FA, +7 Aspect, +4 Profane, +4 Food, -2 RP)
- DEX: 52 (24 base, +10 Enhancement, +2 Elixir, +4 Food, +6 Profane, +6 Reduce Person)
- CON: 32 (10 base, +8 Enhancement, +2 Elixir, +8 FA, +4 Food)
- INT: 37 (16 base, +8 Enhancement, +2 Elixir, +4 Food, +7 Aspect
- WIS: 28 (12 base, +8 Enhancement, +2 Elixir, +2 Rage, +4 Food)
- CHA: 13 (7 base, +2 Elixir, +4 Food)
Ranged Attack Bonus Breakdown:
- +16: Base Attack Bonus
- +21: Dexterity bonus
- +2: Inherent (Demongraft Battlebliss)
- +5: Enhancement (Weapon enhancement)
- +4: Polymorph Enhancement (Shroud of the Eternal Hunter)
- +8: Morale (Greater Heroism, doubled by ring)
- +3: Luck (Favor of the Gods, lategame Crusade bonus)
- +1: Untyped (Haste spell)
- +4: Competence (Inspire Courage)
- +2: Untyped (Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus)
- Non-Conditional Melee Attack Bonus: 66
- Conditional:
- +2: Untyped (Favored Enemy - Evil Outsiders)
- +5: Untyped (Aspect of Vrock, only in Demonic Rage)
- +2: Concealment (Greater Invisibility)
- +2: Insight (Amulet of Quick Draw, only vs Large+ enemies)
- Activated:
- +5: Demonic Rage
- +2: Focused Rage (activates automatically with Demonic Rage)
- +2: Bane Enhancement (Lifebane)
- +20: Competence (Guarded Hearth, stacks with Inspire Courage - CONFIRM THIS?)
- Total Maximum Melee Attack Bonus: 102
Ranged Damage Bonus Breakdown:
- +19: STR bonus
- +4: Morale bonus (Good Hope, doubled by ring?)
- +5: Enhancement (Weapon enhancement)
- +4: Polymorph Enhancement (Shroud of the Eternal Hunger)
- +2: Bane Enhancement (Living Bane)
- +2: Untyped (Ring of Summoning)
- +2: Untyped (Weapon Specialization)
- +5: Untyped (Mythic Weapon Specialization)
- +2: Inherent (Demongraft)
- +2: Untyped (Favored Enemy - Evil Outsiders)
- +10: Untyped (Incubus Aspect)
- +5: Untyped (Demonic Rage)
- +4: Competence (Inspire Courage)
- +2: Rage (Focused Rage)
- +6: Untyped (Arcane Strike)
- Total Maximum Melee Damage Bonus: 72