Sigh....the change to shattered (while warranted), really did affect it's usage.
I wonder if I should respec my characters out of it. I don't think it's worth all of the feat costs at this point (outside of my fear bomber, which might as well have it).
Going to have to figure out a better way to get over the huge ACs in this game I suppose. Maybe I should go back to what I did in my trickster playthrough and have characters with true strike, sorcerous reflex, and vital strike.
On the other hand, considering I'm playing angel this time around, anything that actually DOES have that high of an AC I can just Death Star over and over again.
edit - as an aside, is it just me or is the longspear charging bonus completely broken? Spirited charge still works, but I'm not getting the extra multiplier while charging with a longspear.
2nd edit - I tried charging with someone without spirited charge to see if it was a spirited charge stacking issue (which shouldn't be a thing and it worked in the past giving a x3 multiplier). It doesn't work at all now. Seriously, how does Owlcat manage to break things that weren't broken to begin with when adding new stuff?
3rd edit - another aside, evidently the new intensified metamagic (increases damage dice per level cap by 5) works with battering blast. With each individual blast. And bolster works with each of those new dice. Add on the robe and knife that add to force damage.....maybe an empower and/or maximize....