Since you’re delayed caster the CL boost from additional levels is gold and there’s more great 4th level spells than you could ever hope to cast.
You mean regular Paladin Spells? I dunno, I'd say only Holy Sword, Crusader's Edge and Eaglesoul are worth casting. Bestow the Grace of the Champion would be good too, were it not exclusive to Lawful Good characters only (so only potentially the MC or a Merc). Resounding Blow might also have been good if it didn't allow a Save, and as a Paladin, the DC on your Spells is probably going to be rather pathetic for that stage in the game. Other Spells on that level should be cast by your Cleric/Oracle.
Dipping into another Class might provide more benefits than getting more casts of those Spells, but since I never bothered with Paladins prior to WotR, I have no idea what they synergize with. Maybe a 1-level dip into Thug for Frightening if you have Dazzling Display/Cornugon smash?