Disco Hitler
Jade empire seems cool. And they can have the women you escort as a romance option for all the weebs and pathetic losers. They'll eat that shit up.
I don't like the tone. Dragon Age Origins had a good tone in my book, it gave off the right mood.Don't know why everyone keeps saying the writing is so bad. Read a bit and it seemed fine. A little wordy sometimes but it's standard video game fare. Is it just the lgbt stuff and people are expanding that to everything? Bias. You guys complain more and cry more than the lefties.
Aeon path is pretty cool. I can go around and see if people have committed crimes and accuse them of crimes but my powers aren't strong enough to know what crimes specifically. Accused Camila and her father both of committing crimes without any proof and they both told me off. Might actually read more of what's happening.
A LITTLE WORDY SOMETIMES?Don't know why everyone keeps saying the writing is so bad. Read a bit and it seemed fine. A little wordy sometimes but it's standard video game fare. Is it just the lgbt stuff and people are expanding that to everything? Bias. You guys complain more and cry more than the lefties.
Arueshalae, the bow Goddess. 371 damage in a single round at lv 13
Difficulty? Hard.
Keep at it and she’ll eventually start pulling her weight. Probably smart to focus more on her casting and skill monkeying than damage - you’ve got Lann for that.
A LITTLE WORDY SOMETIMES?Don't know why everyone keeps saying the writing is so bad. Read a bit and it seemed fine. A little wordy sometimes but it's standard video game fare. Is it just the lgbt stuff and people are expanding that to everything? Bias. You guys complain more and cry more than the lefties.
I'd say approximately 90% of the words in each dialogue should be cut.
how did you complete the lich path quest ? After using the crystal it summons some demons and a deathsnatcher, impossible to kill it, using positive energy spells does not get rid of its regneration.
The story presents itself as a grimdark crusade where around every corner the hero is tempted into becoming the very thing they swore to defeat (or worse!), but when it comes time to actually explore that premise it just defaults to typical boilerplate fantasy RPG banality with the same character archetypes and plotlines you've seen a million times before with an added dash of grating irreverent humor at inappropriate moments and completely unearned heartstring pull moments that fall flat.Don't know why everyone keeps saying the writing is so bad. Read a bit and it seemed fine. A little wordy sometimes but it's standard video game fare.
Never let her go.Lol, my wife just read Ember's bio in her character cheet. Said it's as if she has written it, at the age of 14, while listening to Bonnie Tyler.
Remind me which battle was blightmaw?chapter 2 questiondid some1 manage to kill blightmaw rt? Tried 5 times on core and not even close
The Aeon sees through the bullshit too.This is why I play demon.
drezen summon ritual guyRemind me which battle was blightmaw?chapter 2 questiondid some1 manage to kill blightmaw rt? Tried 5 times on core and not even close
Yeah, I'm downloading the Day 1 Patch here as well. See you boys in 3 months when I have an opinion on this.
*Sorin throws a smoke bomb*
May your playthrough be pleasant and furrrrrfilling.
See on the other side, bros! I'm going in - deep - and without caution.
You should play.
Give it to me straight, folks. How buggy is it? Is it playable? I can't deal with another Kingmaker release.
My Notebook didn't exploded when i started the game. Lets freaking go.
The number of classes and kits.... hnnnggggg.
Lol I’m gonna fuck myself hard, going legend so I’ll be out of a mythic path for a while, wish me luck
Downloading now. I don't mind admitting I'm quite excited
Holy shit this looks like it's popular. Hopefully it'll make the suits sit up and take notice - although they'll probably get the wrong end of the stick and think it shows that we want more one-legged demiboy vampires in our videogames![]()
Started as a grenadier. Need more bombs to spread the will of Gorum
Thank you Owlcat for allowing me to make a Cavalier with a Triceratops mount. That spares me from agonizing over which class to choose.
Damn, the music on starting screen is EPIC! I think I will start by listening to that for 10 minutes or so :D
Monk squad reporting in:
Some books are lacking covers. I repeat: some books are lacking covers.
Based. Kill many an orc child and enslave many an elf, hero.
First impression - I can't have a beard while I'm a woman. Literally unplayable.
I'm stuck at the character creation. Help!
Infinitron split the thread man, lets start a new.
Hey Orc Dyke, here's your heirloom. Oh, you had to sell it because your wife had a treatment.
...a treatment. Oh... Oh no.
She sold her father's scabbard... to pay for estrogens.
This is a fantasy adventure in Anno Domini 2021.
And this is why I play demon.
Oh right. I would be curious to see someone do it to. I just interrupted the ritual and fought the mage instead of the beast.drezen summon ritual guyRemind me which battle was blightmaw?chapter 2 questiondid some1 manage to kill blightmaw rt? Tried 5 times on core and not even close