Okay, all my negativity aside: Build experts!
Desiderius! I want to go Necro path (Restarted from my Alchemist due to the new patch) with something like an Eldritch Knight build - Think Blackguard from DnD or PF Magus with more necro powers. What do you suggest? Bonus points if its flavorful.
For focus more on summoning but not completely sucking on melee:
Cruoromancer 6/Eldritch Knight 10/Sword Saint 4: You get a buff with +4 of constitution for your minions from Cruoromancer, what is pretty nice as the summoning perks dont work for undead. Eldritch Knight basically gives you 10 levels of fighter that counts as spellcaster levels, so you get a decent BAB and four basic attacks and if you crit, also you next spell will become a swift action, 4 levels of Sword Saint gives you +4 AC from intelligence, the ability of attacking AND casting spells on the same round. So, if you do a single crit on your turn, what isnt impossible with 4 attacks + haste and a rapier, you can do a full attack AND 2 spells on your round. Have some +concentration feats in there for those nasty attacks of opportunity;
Basically, for mages, if you wanna do some melee, you go for Eldritch Knight/Dragon Disciple/have some levels of fighter/ or some transformation into something. I prefer Eldritch Knight because multiclassing into fighter is only a good idea (if you wanna keep a decent spellcasting, if you are okay on losing spellcasting potential that is another story) is to fill the gaps necessary to get an extra attack. Also transforming into something, you basically lost a spellcaster to get another fighter and the whole point of a lich transformation is its spells.
Another possibility if you wanna go ultra minmaxed animu and focus more on spells/melee and less on summons:
1 scale fist monk/4 (Abyssal primary/Undead secondary bloodline) sorcerer/5 Dragon Disciple/10 Eldritch Knight. The advantage of this is that you will have a whooping +8 to strength that with one handed scimitars/falcatas/big two hander is pretty good damage+ AC from monk + 2 natural AC from Dragon Disciple, three attacks with Eldritch Knight and a extra spell if you crit. Also, most common undead will be vulnerable to fear if you have the undead bloodline, meaning if you get them into shaken status with fear spells for them/Dazzling display for the rest and have most of your frontline guys with shatter defenses, pretty much most of your fighters will be targetting that sweet flatfooted AC, spec them into slayers too for some sneak attack action too.
The major disadvantage here is that you will lose an extra spellcast a turn, the ability of crit touch spells consistently and you will have weaker/less undead minions.