"Fedora is better at D&D than you are. Face it. You cast delay poison beforehand anyway, not when you notice posion is used. Beside you used the communal extended version, which lasts 2 hours. 1 click, 1 slot."
Dude. My tank is my MC who is a dwarf paladin. Fuck your silly little 'poison'. You ar emore likely to poison yourself than me. LMAO I also don't make it a habit to run into poisonous clouds with my other characters. L0LZ
"Playing without Death Ward is... what? A special kind of tactic? You like being level drained?"
Restoration gets rid of it. They're the same level, and no need to spam death ward 'just in case' of energy drain. Now, when I start getting death effects, I'll think about it. Also, if level drain worked the same as some earlier games like NWN and sucked your spell slots so you have to redo them then I'd likely use death ward more. L0L I even bought DW scrolls early on 'just in case' and have yet to use them.
" Barkskin is the best source of natural armor period. If you have someone that can cast it and don't use it that's 5 less AC you could have on a frontliner."
Got no druid. I have a cloak of natural ac +3. My character has 40 ac unbuffed by spells starting chapter 3. I think I'm in good shape. LMAO except I'm sure they'll do some cheesy shit to make that ac meaningless. l0lz
"5+ attacks per turn,"
Act 4? Big deal. You played ch2, right? Stauten's demon girlfriend has 6-8 attacks, and she can energy drain you. :D he has 4 attacks as well. HAHAHA! And, you whine about chapter 4 bosses.
You got past them, that should be nothing.
"People farther in the game than me correct me, but I think ~AC 35 is low on act 4. Also 5 attacks per turn was something I've seen even in act 2."
Yup. see above for details. And, I *just* started act 3. I have 40 no buff ac on my tank MC, and I saw Miragyo do something 6-8 attacks in 1 round. I stopped counting after awhile. L0LZ