Urgathoa gives Scythe, though. I prefer someone who gives a finessable weapon...
Nenio can easily get her DCs high enough for blackwater. There is a crapton of gear which exists for the sole purpose of increasing her DCs, its not like there isn't support for an illusionist. If your MC is a caster its even easier.DC saves for enemies (I haven’t visited blackwater) have such high DC’s unless you’re focusing one school with proper dc gear you can’t do anything to enemies regardless.Then why the fuck is everyone complaining that it's impossible to hit the enemies when you can blind them, stun them, and get them prone? Do people expect to play this game without ever using a spell?You can do all of the above
Then why the fuck is everyone complaining that it's impossible to hit the enemies when you can blind them, stun them, and get them prone? Do people expect to play this game without ever using a spell?
The other planes are why the world ends. If the material plane turns into something akin to the Shadow Plane where everything is undeath and eternal then the fundamental forces of the cosmos start a war over the source of creation. That is why Pharasma created the River of Souls and why the original Gods set up the covenant with mortals. If mortals have the freedom to choose then souls are sent to every plane in accordance to that choice. If there are no more mortals then the inevitable Godswar leads to Rovagug being freed too soon or whatever. It's the difference between Urgathoans and Urgathoa. The former are hunted by Pharasmites and pretty much any good aligned person in Golarion. The latter still receives her just rewards from Pharasma's Court. Undeath is a fundamental force of the cosmos. And it must be contained, like all the others.y tho? Plenty of immortal beings on other planes.leads to the end of reality
Wasn’t talking about blackwater.Nenio can easily get her DCs high enough for blackwater. There is a crapton of gear which exists for the sole purpose of increasing her DCs, its not like there isn't support for an illusionist. If your MC is a caster its even easier.DC saves for enemies (I haven’t visited blackwater) have such high DC’s unless you’re focusing one school with proper dc gear you can’t do anything to enemies regardless.Then why the fuck is everyone complaining that it's impossible to hit the enemies when you can blind them, stun them, and get them prone? Do people expect to play this game without ever using a spell?You can do all of the above
Also, -4 to saves from dead eye, -2 from shaken, -2 from that glove which buffs quarry and you'll have decent chances even without uber specialization.Nenio can easily get her DCs high enough... There is a crapton of gear which exists for the sole purpose of increasing her DCs, its not like there isn't support for an illusionist. If your MC is a caster its even easier.DC saves for enemies (I haven’t visited blackwater) have such high DC’s unless you’re focusing one school with proper dc gear you can’t do anything to enemies regardless.Then why the fuck is everyone complaining that it's impossible to hit the enemies when you can blind them, stun them, and get them prone? Do people expect to play this game without ever using a spell?You can do all of the above
You have to consider your game save corrupted after the respec, and that this corruption will not be detectable for unknown period of time. If you're lucky, then you will finish the game. If you're not, you will get stuck somewhere several hours after the respec.So is it possible to respec as one of the late game paths yet, or is it still fucked?
Alternatively, is it possible using a mod?
now imagine how i feel since i was planning to respec twice as part of my buildYou have to consider your game save corrupted after the respec, and that this corrpuption will not be detectable for unknown period of time. If you're lucky, then you will finish the game. If you're not, you will get stuck somewhere several hours after the respec.So is it possible to respec as one of the late game paths yet, or is it still fucked?
Alternatively, is it possible using a mod?
If you understand that, then respec.
As a boomer, I like to plan my build in a text file first, and then go with the flow. There is always the next playthrough.now imagine how i feel since i was planning to respec twice as part of my build
Excuse me, but what's your point? Sure, to have the best chance to land your spells you need to build your character in an appropriate way... isn't that expected from a combat-focused RPG, especially on higher difficulties? I've built Nenio as a Conjuration/Evocation specialist (with Greater Spell Focus and Expanded Arsenal) and, after the prologue, so far (I think I'm near the end of Chapter 3) I think I fought three enemies in total with high enough saves to actually resist her spells. Her Persistent Heightened Greases, Glitterdust, and Shouts have ridiculed every single boss and mini-boss so far.DC saves for enemies (I haven’t visited blackwater) have such high DC’s unless you’re focusing one school with proper dc gear you can’t do anything to enemies regardless.Then why the fuck is everyone complaining that it's impossible to hit the enemies when you can blind them, stun them, and get them prone? Do people expect to play this game without ever using a spell?You can do all of the above
my decision is to respec from wizard-rogue-arcane trickster into wizard-arcane trickster via trickster's inherent sneak dice. thats pretty decisiony.Respec = Decline.
Simple as that. Stuck with your decisions.
I'm going to visit Blackwater later today or tomorrow and I swear to God if it's not as hard as everyone is saying I'm going to shit all over this entire thread. If those supposedly invincible enemies can go down with Grease, Glitterdust, or Shout I'm going on a destructive rampage here.
You could just go 9 levels wizard then get the trickster's sneak attack dice at level 9, then take levels in AT.my decision is to respec from wizard-rogue-arcane trickster into wizard-arcane trickster via trickster's inherent sneak dice. thats pretty decisiony.Respec = Decline.
Simple as that. Stuck with your decisions.
Respec = Decline.
Simple as that. Stuck with your decisions.
You have to consider your game save corrupted after the respec, and that this corrpuption will not be detectable for unknown period of time. If you're lucky, then you will finish the game. If you're not, you will get stuck somewhere several hours after the respec.So is it possible to respec as one of the late game paths yet, or is it still fucked?
Alternatively, is it possible using a mod?
If you understand that, then respec.
Not very Trickstery of you to respect prestige classes' requirements in a standard legal way.You could just go 9 levels wizard then get the trickster's sneak attack dice at level 9, then take levels in AT.my decision is to respec from wizard-rogue-arcane trickster into wizard-arcane trickster via trickster's inherent sneak dice. thats pretty decisiony.Respec = Decline.
Simple as that. Stuck with your decisions.
Does it remove the necessary rogue dip? If yes, and you're going to respec to Arcane trickster retroactively, then I would call it cheating.my decision is to respec from wizard-rogue-arcane trickster into wizard-arcane trickster via trickster's inherent sneak dice. thats pretty decisiony.
and reach the AT capstone at level 19. plus i like that the character would play more or less the same from the start, recovering a caster level when I reach Trickster's first mythic rank. plus I also plan to spec into Perception Trick 2, grab the metamagic feat, and respec out of it. because every other power associated with perception trick is useless.You could just go 9 levels wizard then get the trickster's sneak attack dice at level 9, then take levels in AT.my decision is to respec from wizard-rogue-arcane trickster into wizard-arcane trickster via trickster's inherent sneak dice. thats pretty decisiony.Respec = Decline.
Simple as that. Stuck with your decisions.
Roll another character and enjoy the Shield Maze.Mash that respec button.
Welcome to the club lol. I just decided to go with Glaive while wearing heavy armor hoping to find another mithril full plate (my boss Regill is wearing one). He can buff his own weapon and armor with Warpriest abilities and he gets to be almost immune to critical hits and elements of choice. Get him whatever can buff this attack bonus, that is his weakeness.Any tips on building Staunton Vhane? I don’t even understand what he is supposed to be. What even is his feats and class, please help
I wouldn't consider it cheating since if this was tabletop I'd just ReTrain the Rogue level into an AT level, plus the Accomplished Sneak Attacker feat into something more useful.Does it remove the necessary rogue dip? If yes, and you're going to respec to Arcane trickster retroactively, then I would call it cheating.
Unless you use a respec mod, you cannot game the system the way you intend to do it anyhow. They changed how respeccing works in 1 of the patches afaik so you can only allocate mythic levels once you have reached a specific character level. I don't think you would even be able to allocate the first trickster level before level 9 with the standard respec feature, it would require a mod.and reach the AT capstone at level 19. plus i like that the character would play more or less the same from the start, recovering a caster level when I reach Trickster's first mythic rank. plus I also plan to spec into Perception Trick 2, grab the metamagic feat, and respec out of it. because permanent see invisibility is kinda meh.You could just go 9 levels wizard then get the trickster's sneak attack dice at level 9, then take levels in AT.my decision is to respec from wizard-rogue-arcane trickster into wizard-arcane trickster via trickster's inherent sneak dice. thats pretty decisiony.Respec = Decline.
Simple as that. Stuck with your decisions.
Trickster is the respec mythic.
I don’t understand his feat selection, like why the fuck does he have agile maneuvers?Welcome to the club lol. I just decided to go with Glaive while wearing heavy armor hoping to find another mithril full plate (my boss Regill is wearing one). He can buff his own weapon and armor with Warpriest abilities and he gets to be almost immune to critical hits and elements of choice. Get him whatever can buff this attack bonus, that is his weakeness.Any tips on building Staunton Vhane? I don’t even understand what he is supposed to be. What even is his feats and class, please help