On the contrary, I find Pillars of Eternity I RTwP better than Owlcat's. In Pillars I can set up auto pause on the end of an ability, this event will be reflected in the log with the name of the person who had finished the ability, and (here I may be wrong) clicking on the log record even focuses this person. So it does not matter when this happens, after 5 or 0.1 seconds: the game pauses exactly when needed.Can Owlcat create a quality combat system in-house without basing it on Pathfinder aka D&D 3.75? Combat is their main strength now. Look at what happened with BioWare combat after they started designing their own IPs.
Original rtwp games will keep sucking until devs realise that rounds are actually good because they give you a clear time to pause, instead of say pillars of eternity where you might pause once every 0.1 seconds multiple times in a row as your characters finish their staggered abilities, then wait 5 seconds, then do it again. The round gives an important pacing to the pausing that a roundless system doesn't have. Thankfully Owlcat doesn't give a shit about balance so we'll never have some homogenised mess like pillars of eternity if they ever do an original system.
In both Pathfinder's I kind of can auto pause as well; what I can't do is quickly figuring out who finished the action and which action it was. There is no such messages in the log, and the focus does not shift to the person that pauses the game.