We might be getting an update on the shaman class:
And how many times you played Star Citizen?Wtf, and I thought I already saw the most stupid comprisons in my life.
Well, just how many times have you played kingfaker?
No no they would say "Why did you MAKE US GIVE YOU MONEY if it's already there," don't underestimate how entitled and retarded the KS commenters are.if they show it now chances are some retards would start screaming about "what do you need money for if its already there!"
I do care, and I don't know. And, having Pathfinder Universe in a nice package of the computer game, I am not going to look for and read Paizo books.Anyone who cares about obscure classes know's their shit around.
It's just an additional feat tree, I don't know if there's anything more to say, lulz.I just want them to tell us more about Mythic Paths lol
Dhampir Heritages:
Ancestry Jiang-shi
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Wis
Alternate Skill Modifiers Acrobatics, Knowledge (engineering)
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Ru-shis gain erase as a spell-like ability.
Alternate Weakness Ru-shis take a –1 penalty on saves against sonic effects and spells.
Ancestry Vetala
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Wis, –2 Int
Alternate Skill Modifiers Escape Artist, Use Magic Device
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Ajibachanas gain comprehend languages as a spell-like ability.
Alternate Weakness Ajibachanas take a –1 penalty to their caster level whenever they are in an area affected by consecrate, hallow, or a similar spell that makes an area holy.
No that only works for a double negative, not a double positive (I am of course referring to his HIV status which is, naturally, double positive because of his double gayness).Wouldn't that just make him not gay?Imagine thinking this is a witty rejoinderIt makes more sense when you realize Gregz 's name is an acronym for "Gay retarded extremely gay zilch" and read his retarded and butthurt posts accordingly
Says the newfag named "Lawntoilet"
That's why you're retarded and double gay
It's just an additional feat tree, I don't know if there's anything more to say, lulz.I just want them to tell us more about Mythic Paths lol
Wouldn't that just make him not gay?
What about a YOR gate?Wouldn't that just make him not gay?
Sexuality is a spectrum, not a XOR gate!
I'd say it's a circus.Sexuality is a spectrum, not a XOR gate!
What an odd statement, what would provoke you to say that? Do you fuck animals and clowns and whatnot?I'd say it's a circus.Sexuality is a spectrum, not a XOR gate!
You know that feeling when your hormones are trying to duke it out and because of that you don't know who you want to fuck. And then when you are kinda sure, they go like "sikes!" and it turns out it wasn't true, so the cycle begins anew. Then someone breaks your heart and you are extremely stressed out, so you get confused even further because you don't want to repeat that experience and you say to yourself "that's enough, I'm done lying to myself" so you can't look yourself in the mirror for like 3 days, but then it turns out that was a lie as well, so you start questioning whether fate has something against you, but after a while the cloud hanging over your head due to emotional trauma lifts and the hormone cycle begins again but this time you fear your own feelings and how they conspire against you? Yeah, that.What an odd statement, what would provoke you to say that? Do you fuck animals and clowns and whatnot?
Didn't you create a /v/ thread about this? I admire your dedication though. Gregz is on a mission.
Dunno about all, but in the case of the Lich it includes a questline which culminates in your attainment of Lichdom.It's just an additional feat tree, I don't know if there's anything more to say, lulz.I just want them to tell us more about Mythic Paths lol
No.You know that feeling when your hormones are trying to duke it out and because of that you don't know who you want to fuck. And then when you are kinda sure, they go like "sikes!" and it turns out it wasn't true, so the cycle begins anew. Then someone breaks your heart and you are extremely stressed out, so you get confused even further because you don't want to repeat that experience and you say to yourself "that's enough, I'm done lying to myself" so you can't look yourself in the mirror for like 3 days, but then it turns out that was a lie as well, so you start questioning whether fate has something against you, but after a while the cloud hanging over your head due to emotional trauma lifts and the hormone cycle begins again but this time you fear your own feelings and how they conspire against you? Yeah, that.What an odd statement, what would provoke you to say that? Do you fuck animals and clowns and whatnot?
That sounds way more stressful than a circus which is a place to watch animals and midgets cavort for some family-friendly funYou know that feeling when your hormones are trying to duke it out and because of that you don't know who you want to fuck. And then when you are kinda sure, they go like "sikes!" and it turns out it wasn't true, so the cycle begins anew. Then someone breaks your heart and you are extremely stressed out, so you get confused even further because you don't want to repeat that experience and you say to yourself "that's enough, I'm done lying to myself" so you can't look yourself in the mirror for like 3 days, but then it turns out that was a lie as well, so you start questioning whether fate has something against you, but after a while the cloud hanging over your head due to emotional trauma lifts and the hormone cycle begins again but this time you fear your own feelings and how they conspire against you? Yeah, that.What an odd statement, what would provoke you to say that? Do you fuck animals and clowns and whatnot?