I want mounted combat so badly... Grrr! I want mounted monk combat now! I want alpha now!
mounted monk combat
Hold out for a week, Bannerlord will be out.I want mounted combat so badly... Grrr! I want mounted monk combat now! I want alpha now!
Guys, i an re playing as a Arcanist(mod) and where is Willas Gunderson? I can't find him...
What do you mean where is he? Which quest? During the Varnhold Vanishing?
Pathfinder gnomes are shit because the entire standard Pathfinder generic high fantasy atmosphere is shit. You can like it only if:
- you are under 14 years old;
- you suffer from a severe sugar addiction.
Also, everybody praises Wayne Reynolds and its work, but, even if some of his "big pieces" (mainly scenes with monsters and more characters togheter) are cool, every single one of his characters design is horrible and utterly disgusting and the way he influenced Pathfinder art-style is undeniably decline.
I don't think that anyone here meant it seriously as a sjw thing,it is just that they look retarded with that hairI've looked at every race option in Kingmaker. A ruler should understand all of the tools at his disposal, even gnomes.Both gnome companions had a normal hair. Also what kind of degenerate will try and play as a gnome ???? Now explain how do you know about the different colours of hair for them! You are not an enemy of the people,are you?Complaining that a gnome has brightly colored hair when that's par for the course for Pathfinder gnomes that haven't gone through the bleaching...
Hell, just load up Kingmaker and look at the different hair color choices that are presented, depending on race. It's not hard.
Let's save the outrage for when they include Amber Scott's write-in characters in the game.
(And the point remains. Gnomes in pathfinder can have crazy hair. This companion having crazy hair is not an indicator of 'muh soshial justiss', if the accompanying character description hadn't already made that clear.)
- you are nostalgic and are ready to not take the setting as seriously as you did when you were 14 y.o.Pathfinder gnomes are shit because the entire standard Pathfinder generic high fantasy atmosphere is shit. You can like it only if:
- you are under 14 years old;
- you suffer from a severe sugar addiction.
I think it's brilliant. Hellknights shall henceforth be known as Sprigganknights.
I think it's brilliant. Hellknights shall henceforth be known as Sprigganknights.![]()
Molon Labe, Satan
Molon Labe, Satan![]()
Discipline leads to Victory.Be not wise in your own conceits.
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Chaos will always have Blood: Yours or Theirs.
They are. Khorne does not care for puny D&D-derived alignments though.Chaos will always have Blood: Yours or Theirs.
I thought Sprigganknights were LE.
They are. Khorne does not care for puny D&D-derived alignments though.Chaos will always have Blood: Yours or Theirs.
I thought Sprigganknights were LE.
They are. Khorne does not care for puny D&D-derived alignments though.Chaos will always have Blood: Yours or Theirs.
I thought Sprigganknights were LE.
That's good because aside from the Chaos the rest of your creed is at worst orthogonal to LG.