Ok lets do this. I will not give out any names, not even their discord names.
As most of you know PP was released in mostly unfinished and very buggy state. They spend first 6 months mostly fixing bugs and finishing unfinished stuff. Then they asked people to join the Community Council, they wanted a balance of experienced players and less so but mostly got experienced ones.
They promised we would be important in giving feedback for upcoming changes and to tell them our opinion about their planned designs. Then they proceeded to not give us anything for a while. All we got was chance to talk with one of their designers that made us feel like they were very serious about making big and good changes (few months later he was told to not engage with us because "he does not have enough time"). They would ask us to give feedback on broken combinations of skills and how certain parts of the game worked well or did not work well and some of us (not me) really put a lot of effort into this. They proceeded to ignore our feedback and them come up with something of their own which was fairly different than what we would propose. Then they would drop it on us few weeks before release, wait for our feedback while telling us it is important and valued only then to again ignore it and usually not do much about any problems we found.
Most of the time it felt like if car producer asked you to give him feedback on their barely working car, you would list problems with engine, tires, doors and bumpers, you then would not hear from them for 2 months and they come back with a same car but they changed mirrors and changed paint on the doors and ask you for new feedback. You tell them they did nothing about all things you told them about and that this new mirror is cracked. They tell you , well now it is few weeks before release so we are not sure we can change much and then go away again and release the car same as when they showed it to you but now that cracked mirror also has a new paint job.
And then repeat this for each DLC they released over the years.. some CC members got really fed up and started being really nasty to them inside CC chat and then quit and continued doing that in general chats including sharing info about upcoming stuff before it was released. Most just stopped existing in CC except formally. At this point maybe 6-7 of us actually did any testing and feedback, but I think at this point at least 5 knew it is pointless.
Oh yea somewhere in the middle of it all they read that we are complaining what is the point of CC if they basically ignore us completely and had a live chat with everyone to talk about future plans, how they value our feedback and how we are going to have these chats regularly. As you can guess that was first and only chat :D
All this continued until release of this last DLC and nothing changed, we again got a near release version, we knew what we would be getting as much as people outside CC. We told them about all the problems and they ignored 90% of feedback and did some paint job and released it.
Funny shit, we found out this last DLC was not even made by them, they outsources it to some Russian team. That probably explains how this DLC broke stuff in base game that was not even remotely connected with DLC content. BTW we reported that while testing, they didn't care.
Probably not fair to shit on the outsourced team since game had wrong class description since release and descriptions for some Mutations as well. They became a joke inside CC, as when we expected they would not change stuff based on our feedback we would compare it to importance of text of those classes.
Probably best thing about their DLC and content was nice looking maps which reached its height with DLC2. After that the guy responsible for that quit LOL. Or was fired, I don't really know. At those times he was only one of the devs that came around and talked with us outside of us doing prison rebellions for some attention. They would come, tell us a nice story how they value our feedback and then disappear to give us a version that could no longer be changed much and cycle would continue.
The most hilarious thing they said was that they read what we write in the Discord group. But over a year later some of the members took our most common discussion about problems and options on how to fix it into a wiki and formatted it nicely and gave them the link. Suddenly they said how they like it and how they didn't know about these problems...................
That made them at least fix some of the balance problems and made them promise they would do more and then for 6 months they did little or nothing.
These are all facts, now for my opinions.
At start both we and devs we talked to were very enthusiastic about future possibility of the game and that disappeared with each DLC released. In my opinion their bosses blocked everything good, they always had excuses for not doing enough or at all that came down to bosses didn't approve it because it is too complicated or not worth the effort. So game kept same problems all the time while they added new DLC that would add more broken, unfinished and bloated content.
My feeling was that same apathetic feeling most in CC felt and expressed also came into these devs. And it was felt in the game, little of the systems of the base game or DLC felt like it was a labor of love. And I mostly blame their management for it. Now is that Julian or someone else I don't know, I don't remember that we ever talked to Julian. I just don't trust this company to produce any masterpiece game ever, nothing they did with this game or DCL felt exceptional. It was all functional, whole game lacked little details that turn the game from functional to good or excellent. These little things that maybe are not worth time invested is what separates games from others in their genre. Some of the still images on loading screens and story boards are really nice and some maps are really good but the rest it between badly designed and functional. I have never before played a game that had potential to be something special but was completely mismanaged and whoever was making design decisions was on drugs or something.
Anyways that is it from me, I told you there is not much spicy drama here.
EDIT: Oh yea, they talked for months how this last DLC5 with be coming with some more bugfixes because game has a big list of bugs that never get fixed and then patch notes were the size of daily patch notes for Pathfinder games :D