Did anyone manage to kill belranga? (without exploits i mean, but i think they were fixed already)
I managed to kill all the nests in my last try and eder survived up to that point, but couldnt keep going afterwards.
The main thing in that fight is the bosses debuff/buff from killing the little spiders:
Belranga gets her defences lowered for each dead spider, but also gains damage and speed I believe. If you were just focused on killing nests, perhaps you didn't kill enough of the little spiders to reliably hit her. I did it by clearing the bottom left of the map of nests at the start, occupying Bel with summons and throwing out AoEs whenever the other nests spawned spiders. Once her defences were low enough, the danger of her now high damage attacks is softened by the amount of disables you can land on her. Eder was there to take a hit when needed, but he wouldn't survive many at that point. Cipher with Ancestor's Memory was vital, for me.