DA:O is the only DA I found bearable in terms of setting, writing, story, and characters. Some of its questlines are really good, some are rather below average, but it has good C&C and the setting was engaging.
I've heared arguments that it's basically the Mass Efect story moved in a fantasy setting. Either way, for me it's more on the "classic" than "cliche" side. D:OS, that would be a "cliche".But the main quest... The Darkspawn? The Archdemon? Common.... was it some kind of sad inside joke/commentary about lack of creativity? That was... like... what the opposite of creativity would be.
I played BG1 for the first time just before I joined the Codex, and only after that did I play BG2, so it's not about when exactly you play them. Maybe don't start immediately with BG2, finish BG1 and then import the same character, that's how you won't be overwhelmed by 4-5 spell levels worth of spells. BG1's UI is fine, much less cluttered and more readable than the abomination that is PoE's and, from what I've seen, PF:K's.See, the thing is you guys who played older games when they came out are completely dismissive of how different the experience is for someone who is playing the games for the first time 20 years after release.
If you are truly excited to play, you will not be teoubled to read the spells descriptions or play with the manual open next to you, which is strongly recommended. People used to write manuals for a reason back then. There is even an expression for that - "RTFM", which I guess originated somewhere in the latter 20th century.Ofc this criticism will not be processable by you if you grew up with it. Contrast this with PFKM. That game's character system is just as complex as BG2, but it's so much more enjoyable to go through thanks to intuitive pop-ups, good UI, etc etc.
I played BG1 for the first time just before I joined the Codex, and only after that did I play BG2, so it's not about when exactly you play them. Maybe don't start immediately with BG2, finish BG1 and then import the same character, that's how you won't be overwhelmed by 4-5 spell levels worth of spells. BG1's UI is fine, much less cluttered and readable than the abomination that is PoE's and, from what I've seen, PF:K's.
If you are truly excited to play, you will not be teoubled to read the spells descriptions or play with the manual open next to you, which is strongly recommended. People used to write manuals for a reason back then. There is even an expression for that - "RTFM", which I guess originated somewhere in the latter 20th century.
Thing is, fewer games were released per year back then and competed for the players' attention, therefore a new game was much more anticipated and got a lot more time from a player.
I find PKM's combat log very good, but the tooltips are using terminology I don't always know/needs clarification itself. It's also kind of inconvenient that you have to select abilities without any means to see your current equipment and abilities unless you cancel the levelup.
This is the sort of comment that makes this community a much worse place than it could be. Too many personal attacks. Too much self aggrandizement. To much thinking your own opinion is holy decree.DA:O combat is broken. Anyone who thinks it is good combat lacks critical analysis skills to evaluate any combat. It is like a litmus test, if you think DA:O combat is good you don't get to talk about what is good combat. This is not even a preference thing, DA:O combat is functionally broken with many broken abilities. Broken as in literally dysfunctional (many of the rogue abilities) or entirely trivialising entire game (many of the mage abilities). For example mage has a spell that will oneshot anything with mana, they also can become invincible with the arcane warrior specialisation. Even without those things being broken, the combat is simply tank and spank for 99% of the game facing entirely same enemies.
If you like its setting, storyline, C&C or whatever else, some of which was ok, that's fine. If you like its combat, you don't get to have opinions on combat.
BG1 on the other hand is a great game with great combat, I'd thoroughly recommend it. Much better than BG2 in combat, story and dialogue.
This is the sort of comment that makes this community a much worse place than it could be. Too many personal attacks. Too much self aggrandizement. To much thinking your own opinion is holy decree.
This, or a variation of this, is always said by people who do think their opinions are holy decrees, immutable and always correct because that's what "the truth" is for them. I hate it so much. There is a way to voice an unpopular opinion and be taken seriously, this isn't it.To much thinking your own opinion is holy decree.
thats ok i'm going to edit it for safetyThis is the sort of comment that makes this community a much worse place than it could be. Too many personal attacks. Too much self aggrandizement. To much thinking your own opinion is holy decree.DA:O combat is broken. Anyone who thinks it is good combat lacks critical analysis skills to evaluate any combat. It is like a litmus test, if you think DA:O combat is good you don't get to talk about what is good combat. This is not even a preference thing, DA:O combat is functionally broken with many broken abilities. Broken as in literally dysfunctional (many of the rogue abilities) or entirely trivialising entire game (many of the mage abilities). For example mage has a spell that will oneshot anything with mana, they also can become invincible with the arcane warrior specialisation. Even without those things being broken, the combat is simply tank and spank for 99% of the game facing entirely same enemies.
If you like its setting, storyline, C&C or whatever else, some of which was ok, that's fine. If you like its combat, you don't get to have opinions on combat.
BG1 on the other hand is a great game with great combat, I'd thoroughly recommend it. Much better than BG2 in combat, story and dialogue.
now everything is friendlyIMO DA:O combat is broken. Anyone who thinks it is good combat lacks critical analysis skills to evaluate any combat. It is like a litmus test, if you think DA:O combat is good you don't get to talk about what is good combat. This is not even a preference thing, DA:O combat is functionally broken with many broken abilities. Broken as in literally dysfunctional (many of the rogue abilities) or entirely trivialising entire game (many of the mage abilities). For example mage has a spell that will oneshot anything with mana, they also can become invincible with the arcane warrior specialisation. Even without those things being broken, the combat is simply tank and spank for 99% of the game facing entirely same enemies.
If you like its setting, storyline, C&C or whatever else, some of which was ok, that's fine. If you like its combat, you don't get to have opinions on combat.
BG1 on the other hand is a great game with great combat, I'd thoroughly recommend it. Much better than BG2 in combat, story and dialogue.
dao just has mmo like trivial combat. there arent even any variations, you press the same buttons over and over.Not every conversation has to deteriorate into bashing each other's choice of games (surprisingly). I just installed BG2 to make my own opinion of this supposed masterpiece while i wait for PFKM to get patched.
The problem is not "balance" but rather streamlining, which Soyver loves religiously. He is downright dogmatic when it comes to streamlining everything.