I like the complete lack of Roguey in this thread. Even it can feel shame, it seems.
But the combat just looks like a clusterfuck, no idea what's going on, who's attacking who, who's casting what spell. It's kind of like Throne of Bhaal endgame where every character in battle is hasted.
Now just imagine if this was turn based. The jizzum just wouldn't stop
Welcome (back) to the wonderful world of real time with pause! Until very recently, I'd always viewed RTwP as a bastardization born of the late-90s push to make cRPGs more EXCITING and ACTION-Y (to expand the target audience beyond hardcore nerds), and assumed that most genuine cRPG fans would naturally prefer TB. Turns out lots of people actually prefer RTwP, which shouldn't be surprising more than a decade after the decline began in earnest. Some Torment: Tides of Numenera backers demanded refunds when inXile chose turn-based instead of RtWP or phase-based.
I don't think you can develop a decent RPG with just a few hundred thousand dollars.Why the fuck isn't Tim Cain doing a kicksterter for a toee successor?
You might want to skip on correcting this aspect of the game if you are not a writer (or rather an editor) yourself. As a failed writer and long-time amateur editor I can tell you that it takes huge amounts of time, even if you are good and experienced at it.Holy fuck, rewriting the Wizard spell description took over an hour.
I like the complete lack of Roguey in this thread. Even it can feel shame, it seems.
I like the complete lack of Roguey in this thread. Even it can feel shame, it seems.
Not to burst your bubble, but didn't he say way before the BETA that he would be keeping out of the thread to avoid spoilers? Infinitron?
You might want to skip on correcting this aspect of the game if you are not a writer (or rather an editor) yourself. As a failed writer and long-time amateur editor I can tell you that it takes huge amounts of time, even if you are good and experienced at it.
Speaking of which, is it still possible to send them enough to get a beta key? Or is that a closed deal?
Speaking of which, is it still possible to send them enough to get a beta key? Or is that a closed deal?
Crowdfunding ends in two days. https://eternity.obsidian.net/
But honestly, it is not worth the money. Unless you like disappointments.
... and rest assured, my mouth isn't socketed firmly onto Josh's dingus the way some people's are.
I don't feel it's disappointing at all, just much more chaotically unfinished at the moment than I expected it to be, even for a very early beta... and rest assured, my mouth isn't socketed firmly onto Josh's dingus the way some people's are.
Eh. From the sounds of it its more or less the START of the beta. Theres lots of things that were implemented JUST BEFORE the backer beta build (bringing the game out of alpha). So what we're seeing is basically the game in all its beta buggy glory.
Tip: Some Auto-Pause options helps the flow, feel, and comprehension, of the combat system. Experiment.
The game is now feature closed so all the content is finished.Eh. From the sounds of it its more or less the START of the beta. Theres lots of things that were implemented JUST BEFORE the backer beta build (bringing the game out of alpha). So what we're seeing is basically the game in all its beta buggy glory.
So what's the current release date? Winter this year? Yeah, I think they'll have to pull a Fargo on this one, from what I've seen in the streams. Can't blame the publisher for the bugs this time. What's the development stage of the content, anyway (locations/quests)?
I just can't agree with the idea that "bugs" are somehow solely responsible for the fact that the game isn't fun to play. Seriously, your beta stage game hasn't nailed the core of the gameplay. Despite of all the messiah game designers it has attached to it...
I'm certain that many of those issues could be solved, but I'm not holding my hopes too high. D:OS had a lot of issues when it first went beta, but the core of the game (solid turn-based combat) was there. Eternity seems to be the opposite: it has all the fluff nicely in place, but the game itself is still missing. Larian got a lot of rough constructive feedback and listened to it, but is Obsidian capable of doing the same? And most importantly - does PoE have enough development time to fix it?