Sean Dunny said:To be fair, writing off the system used as 'impractical' does it a bit of injustice. The height map also controls occlusion in Unity (and things like water rendering). If we didn't have this tool, we would have to build out the occlusion by hand using maps or geometry (or something along those lines). That would not be a time-saving option. Building those occluders back in the IE days was no easy task (thank the gods for Scott Everts) and trying to do it using the high resolution images that we have with high-poly objects would be a nightmare. It would easily be a full time job just to make those occlusion masks.
When you say that you don't care about the real time lighting or feel that it doesn't add much to the game, that's a fair opinion. It is incorrect, however to assume that by getting rid of the heightmap system that we have that it would be any kind of a time saver. If anything, real-time lighting affecting the background render is a byproduct of the occlusion system.
Do you know what you are talking about? When making a game on shoestring budget (because lets not kid ourselves, 3,5 million is nothing for a project like this), EVERYTHING puts a strain on the budget. They already have paid programmers, hiring new ones means they have to pay more people. I assume inXile hired outsiders because they are a small company, and they didn't have enough programmers inhouse. When you have enough guys inhouse who do the work, why would you hire outsiders?Hiring a freelancer wouldn't have been a strain on the budget, these people don't cost much at all.
I've no team experience, that's for sure, so I'm not asserting things, I only question things.
- You say freelancers cost twice as much. Freelancers from europe cost less, not much, and they did employ (or was it inXile?) at least one guy from Italy who did something map related, so they do and can employ them without fears of different "code styles" (there aren't twenty ways to code things on Unity, so I'm kinda skeptical of that point entirely anyway... and stylistic guides... I hope you don't mean things like starting a new line before an accolade? because who cares about it when more important things are on the line)
- Their framework is very solid and clear, I've seen it and I've written mods for POE, you don't need to explain anything to a freelancer, just give him the code and say 'go'.
- Any code produced by a freelancer can be inspected by the in-house programmer and if some section is not sufficiently commented, you can always inquire about it, but I wouldn't even particularly worry about this type of situation - it would happen rarely and wouldn't waste much of anyone's time. It's still more time efficient than not having the functionality at all.
- As to where they'd find them - look how inXile did it. Whenever they needed some, they'd just post about it and they'd have people banging on their doors. It doesn't look like much of a problem.
Anyway, I do understand that some people would have irrational fears of this approach, and that's what I assumed their problem was. I see a problem and a possible solution, while they prefer to have no solution at all.
And my main concerns with poe lie in another field entirely anyway, bugs or not bugs, their game is too mediocre and too disappointing, too many unfulfilled and sometimes completely misleading promises.
That's probably a bug actually - it should be additive multipliers (reported it).
The alternative is to hire people somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper so they'll charge you less. However if your a US based company and your hire a contractor in Europe or Asia and you pay them (they won't work till they've got some money) and they don't deliver what you asked them to what do you do? You going to hire a lawyer in there country and sue them to get your money back? The lawyer costs more money and even if you won you may not get any money back. There are also communication issues, timing issues and various other problems.
Does it take 20 pages of text to ask the freelancer to write the code in a clear way, using functional style? It takes a one line phrase. Again, you're inventing problems where there are none.Take for example the following scala fragments do you understand what they both do?
Yeah, they'd be like "I'm Vasya the freelancer and who are you, Obsidian, can I trust you guys?? I don't know you!! I had some bad experience in the past, so I only work 100% prepayment" lol.(they won't work till they've got some money)
Oh yeah, I just reread your post and noticed a phrase that made laugh really hard lol. You've got no experience with freelancers obviously.
Yeah, they'd be like "I'm Vasya the freelancer and who are you, Obsidian, can I trust you guys?? I don't know you!! I had some bad experience in the past, so I only work 100% prepayment" lol.(they won't work till they've got some money)
What actually happens is: the freelancer works in chunks and the contractor pays in chunks AFTER receiving their work.
Unless it's the freelancer who has more reputation than you, but in this case you wouldn't have anything to worry about either.
This conversation is so ridiculous, why am I replying?
I think there would be significant moral and PR problems with spending KS money outsourcing programming to India.
I've literally no idea what you're taking about, what moral and pr problems??I think there would be significant moral and PR problems with spending KS money outsourcing programming to India.
You realize like half of InXile's new hires are ex-Obsidian employees?You know who extensively asks about rpg experience during interviews? Fargo. And Obsidian? They don't care either way, yeah it's a minor plus if you played something, but whatever.
it doesn't make sense hiring people from your own country when there are countries with much lower salaries, it's just not efficient.
I've literally no idea what you're taking about, what moral [...] problems??
sdunny said:I don't mind answering questions or clearing up misconceptions or any of that. On a project like this - backed by the fans - I think it's important that you guys have your concerns addressed.
I generally avoid posting on forums or really anything else online, especially in a professional capacity, but it's not a bad thing to keep you all informed and maybe I can give some reasons that various decisions were made.
As for why we would make the game using 2d backgrounds instead of fully rendered 3d, there are a number of reasons. The project leads could better illustrate some of them, but the gist of it is that we're doing it this way because it captures the classic IE aesthetic. That's sort of the base reason behind it, but there are a number of corollaries to this. For one thing, this game is really, really big. To give an idea (although I know it's been discussed by Bobby and others), when we did our team-wide play week, I didn't make it past act II of the game. I wasn't rushing through or anything, but I also didn't do everything, I completely skipped the Stronghold and Od Nua, and I didn't pick up every quest. In addition to that, I already know the layout of most of the areas and where everything is located in relation to everything else. Even with all of that, 40 hours was not nearly enough time for me to finish the game.
As has been mentioned, we have a very small art team. There is no way we could have made environments of this size and scope with a team this small in this period of time in a traditional 3d workflow. Maybe if we heavily re-used assets and had a very limited, modular building style. But it certainly would not have had the same scope and variety that we have in the game.
There are going to be pros and cons to any development choice that is made, but I think for the results that we've got the benefits have far outweighed the negatives.
Translation: I hope you like your RPG's padded out with a shitload of filler content.For one thing, this game is really, really big. To give an idea (although I know it's been discussed by Bobby and others), when we did our team-wide play week, I didn't make it past act II of the game. I wasn't rushing through or anything, but I also didn't do everything, I completely skipped the Stronghold and Od Nua, and I didn't pick up every quest. In addition to that, I already know the layout of most of the areas and where everything is located in relation to everything else. Even with all of that, 40 hours was not nearly enough time for me to finish the game.