Yesterday while telling a friend of mine how PoE turned out, I ended up having this idea of how Obsidians should've made the kickstarter pitch video that would've been way better than theirs.
The camera fades in from back as we see Sawyer repairing a bike, he goes: "Hello everyone and welcome to Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter. I hated the shit out of Baldur's Gates because it had no balance and the mages were OP, and generally speaking all IE gamas had it wrong and I'm the genius that will fix all the problems that made BG a shitty game. So I'm really well suited to make an IE spiritual successor game, guys, let's do this..!"
Anthony Davis enters the room: "Hey backers, I never really liked Baldur's Gate cause it had some animation that confused me and the game rules were too difficult to understand, so yeah, that game sucked :D I'm really looking forward to working on Pillars, the spiritual successor to IE games!"
Then we get a whole Obsidian office shot from the ceiling and there are guys yelling "HELLO KICKSTARTER :D WE NEVER PLAYED ANY OF THE IE GAMES, OR ANY PRE-2008 GAMES, SO WE CAN REALLY MAKE THIS HAPPEN, TRUST US
Then comes in Feargus: "Hello Kickstarter. We have a shitload of games in production, so we'll be pulling people from the Pillars team to other games where we'd be fined by the publisher if we didn't meet the deadlines, so POE will probably come out bugged as fuck, but yeah, that's how we manage things around here! We really appreciate all your support, backers!"
Tim Cain: "Nobody's listening to my ideas, they all go down the drain. I'll explore mature themes and I'll invent mechanics in my head, but they'll never make it into the game. Back us!"
Justin Bell: "Nobody liked BG2 music anyway, so I'll compose some low key melodies for you guys. This truly will be an IE successor!"
Yeah, I'd instant-back this project.