Random loot is a pillar of lazy design. I understand that nobody wants to handpick items (or even item categories) for every container but they could at least pre-randomiize and then apply some human touch to make it semi-handpicked.What is the fucking obsession with randomized container loot these days?
Looking at Sensuki's videos, this is exactly what happened. There is a table of items which are reoccuring in every randomization.but they could at least pre-randomiize and then apply some human touch to make it semi-handpicked.
No, there a million other things which are more important than randomized loot, probably this is why the devs don't put much effort into it.Random loot is a pillar of lazy design.
It's how people always justify laziness, isn't it?No, there a million other things which are more importantRandom loot is a pillar of lazy design.
the dark bits on the stained glass are misaligned.
how can you not see it?
they could at least pre-randomiize and then apply some human touch to make it semi-handpicked.
What is the fucking obsession with randomized container loot these days?
I'd be surprised if the miscellaneous loot chests in Baldur's Gate (the ones that contain "Star Diopside Gems" and "Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklaces" and weird shit like that) weren't generated like this
Baldur's Gate had some random loot drops. But it was actually balanced.
Kinda funny when you think about it.
Probably I'm the dumb guy again, but who plays like this? (Apart from Sensuki.) Really, constatnly save scumming chests, save scumming battle encounters, save scumming character generation? What does it mean that you HAD to save scum? If you save scuming a dozen time just to get an item, just use a cheatcode and get it. The end result is the same.I didn't like how in Icewind Dale you had to save scum chests to get the item you wanted. I hope in this game that if an item does not spawn in said chest, it spawns somewhere else.
Seems like it's worth save scumming every container if there are gonna be differences of up to 600cp+ every time ...
What is the fucking obsession with randomized container loot these days?
imweasel I wouldn't call anything related to money in any IE game "balanced". There's nowhere to go here but up.
Grunker said:The IWDs are probably the games where you can be starved for gold the longest.
Nice to see Nick Carver in an interview.
"Oh, unser Abteilungsleiter ist so etwas wie ein Leitbild, er hat sehr viel Geduld", lacht Carver und erzählt von den "erschöpfenden Stunden", in denen er und seine Kollegen das Spiel täglich rauf und runter spielen, von den zusätzlichen Testern, die ihnen Vertrieb Paradox zur Seite stellte, und einem weiteren extern angeheuerten Team zur Unterstützung. Jeder Fehler wird doppelt gecheckt, zeitversetzt. "Das ist ein unglaublicher Prozess bei einem Rollenspiel mit so vielen Variablen und Aspekten. Du kannst alles auf tausend verschiedene Wege tun."
Das lässt dich nachts wachliegen?
"Wenn du zehn bis zwölf Stunden täglich ein Spiel spielst, Bug-Reports schreibst, nach Hause gehst und nachts aus einem Traum erwachst, in dem du Bug-Reports ausfüllst... nun, ich denke, das gibt dir schlaflose Nächte!", lacht Carver. "Manchmal entdeckt man im Schlaf auch Dinge und denkt dann 'Was, wenn ich das so oder so machen würde?'. Am nächsten Tag probiert man es und merkt manchmal: Gott sei Dank, es funktioniert."