pre-buffing is an abomination.
Sawyer has a history degree.when will u people realise computer game design and implementation are a science and the men behind these works need to be scientists and not some copycat schemer with a degree in creative writing and/or marketing. the beta any good?
Looks like Steve has finished his rewrite of the pathfinding system. Looking forward to the update.
Ok, Snerf was a bro and donated me a key, here's some feedback after finishing the beta and derping a bit with the game:
Good stuff:
- Looks great.
- Everything outside of combat plays like a proper sequel to IE games.
- The text-adventure bits are nice.
- Heavy nostalgia feelings.
The bad:
- these fucking %-based systems, from stats to spells and items.
- Hard to understand things during battle.
- UI needs some work.
- Icons are too small.
Here's some more detailed feedback:
etc, etc..
this is what happens when u give control of a computer role playing simulation to an individual who hates fun
What the fuck?I only just realized that items no longer have weight and carrying 6 heavy armors is the same as carrying six eggs. I bet Josh really regrets making that "Strength Wizard" example.
I also hate that "you're out camping in the wilderness and want to craft a minor stamina potion? sure, just grind down an amethyst, combine it with fresh river reed, then add 600 fucking gold coins" shit. This whole "balance for the balance god" thing really needs to be reigned in before it completely destroys fun and immersion.
What the fuck?I only just realized that items no longer have weight and carrying 6 heavy armors is the same as carrying six eggs. I bet Josh really regrets making that "Strength Wizard" example.
I also hate that "you're out camping in the wilderness and want to craft a minor stamina potion? sure, just grind down an amethyst, combine it with fresh river reed, then add 600 fucking gold coins" shit. This whole "balance for the balance god" thing really needs to be reigned in before it completely destroys fun and immersion.
Is this the best JES could come up with to solve the money sink problem? This is so logical. Add coins to craft something.
You forgot no stat requirement, weightless combat, arbitrary UI, useless combat log, Diablo-like itemization, not a single non-combat/utility spell, and Avatar-race as "original content, do not steal".
Still looking forward to it, as illogical as that sounds. :3
I haven't played the beta but this thread has me worried. I'm going to try my best to avoid reading more about it so I don't get negative about the game. The look and feel of the game certainly look spot on from videos so the mechanical problems are certainly concerning. I wasn't really expecting it to play that much like the IE games though, after hearing Josh's design manifesto that he's been putting out there the past couple years.
The mechanical changes, as long as they find a way to make it fun, I'll get over. But really it will be a huge problem to me if the itemization/spells/locations/characters don't have the same kind of character and inspiration as the best IE games. No noncombat spells and boring %based itemization rather than great backstories sounds like something I'm going to find very disappointing.
I think there's a fundamental dissonance between the average backer's desires and what we're going to get - the Kickstarter was marketed based on success of Black Isle, but the big names (Avellone/Cain) who were involved in their best games (PS:T, FO1/2) are hardly involved while the guy behind IWD2 and known hater of BG2 is project lead. Plus as a storyfag I'm disappointed that the guys behind Obsidian's best creative effort (MOTB) are working for Inxile.
I'm pretty confident that this will still be a very enjoyable game, just maybe not to the extent that I initially hoped.
Percentage thing is meh, but who gives a shit really? If you faggots are such 'experts' of the RPG genre, shouldn't be that hard to work out. Important thing is it's like I'm back in 1998 when playing, complete with the love/hate RTwP combat that even now for me degenerates into a clusterfuck. Sure, I would have loved it TB like Divinity, but fuck it...I commend them for sticking with IE style after promising IE style. When devs start to tinker and change mechanics just to suit some groups then shit gets worse.
I like AD&D as much as the next man, but if they went for something else here, then I'll take it as a challenge to learn this system. Big deal. Also +10% for giving all classes something interesting to do for a change.
It is truly a shame to see these beautiful assets go to waste. The art guys and writers did a fantastic job. Hopefully everything eventually gets fixed.Its such a problem because now all this beautiful art and work is held hostage by somebodies life long dream to show the world how RPG's should really be designed or something.
Hi Kevin, I hope that you guys at the T:ToN team are going to deliver on your promises for that game. With PoE, fans gave money to fund a spiritual successor to the IE games and what they instead got was health regeneration, auto resurrection, MMOG class specializations, no bad builds, no penalties, no XP unless you do exactly what Obsidian wants in the exact sequence that Obsidian wants, magic stash and no item weight, MMOG HP and numbers bloat, running around in combat and KEWL ANIMESHUNS instead of an abstract tactical system.
Instead of getting what they paid for, the fans got a particular designer's ego trip and modern day, dumbed down systems instead of classic ones. Please do not repeat these mistakes with T:ToN.
A lot of people seem really upset that a low int wizard is viable.The game is good. There is just a vocal minority that would have preferred if melee classes did nothing but autoattack while wizards got all the game's cool abilities and that the game were still run in "rounds." Next thing you know, people will wish for THAC0 and syphilis.
A lot of people seem really upset that a low int wizard is viable.The game is good. There is just a vocal minority that would have preferred if melee classes did nothing but autoattack while wizards got all the game's cool abilities and that the game were still run in "rounds." Next thing you know, people will wish for THAC0 and syphilis.
Which I don't really understand. Their magical ability comes from innate soul power, not intellect.
Cain is a lot more involved than Avellone and there are guys that worked on MOTB working on this.
Anyway. Remove yourself from the discussion till release. I can near guarantee you that everything will look different by then. As far as Storyfaq qualities I doubt you have to worry at all.
Eric Fenstermaker is my favourite video game writer and Obsidianitie actually.
nikolokolus said:Nihiliste I think there's a few kinds of negativity going on here. I think some people are reacting to months and months of Roguey's incessant fellatio of Sawyer, some people are predisposed to dislike the combat system or have other issues with underlying systems choices and then there's just the plain ol' reaction to the wonkiness of the beta build. I guess I'm mostly in the last category with a dash of the second group. It seems fixable so long as you're not hung up on it being a D&D clone or can't get over Roguey or RTwP combat.