Well there was some wasting of shit but I'd say White March 2 is a point where Obsidian regained their edge in writing and level design. A lot of it seemed as an echo from Mask of Betrayer, but a sad ancient tale of bickering between greek-like gods was the best story piece I got from PoE so far. When I began to realise from where all was coming by listening a song in tavern I opened the lore journal for the first time to read about Ondra. I was pleased that I got where hints were pointing, and I was especially pleased by a completely unique chance to argue with a god because I picked Philosopher's background.
Golems and Kraken were fairly petty enemies to fight due to obscene amount of Soul Weapons in expansion which were easy to upgrade, and because game gave me pwnhammer from space marines chaplain to pwn mega dangerous enemies, which Maneha did with ease. I swear there's one map where 2 mega artifacts are just lying almost near each other protected by bunch of adds and there is a cave with dragon who hoards even more treasure to the boot. That' even above ToB level of magic item saturation.
There was also a nice plot twist due to my choice in Part 1 (I almost said Eder bye but THEN), and it was cool to talk to the golems. The writing was above average with some of that Obsidian seasoning, not completely unique but scratching my curiosity during play.
I'd say weakest part are new companions. They were mostly joking, it's like they didn't take anything happening around seriously. Not that they are hard ass boring serious Palleginas, but it's like something is missing in their personalities. Sagani had more reactivity for the short time I carried her around before exchanging for Devil of Caroc than them all. Devil with her awkward falling flat on face trying to be edgy, and giggly Maneha reminded me of Bioware edgy shits; and Zahua seemed like a wasted potential. It's ironic that they all and others constantly tried to mock Durance, like if a bad larper tried to bite someone who plays role well and just looks worse cause of that.
Plot characters however, mortal and not, were quite fun, even some minor NPCs.
The pacing in levels, aside from shitty not-illithid mines, was a lot closer to "actual RPG" and how Tim Cain (I think) talked about design - you can aggro whole level on yourself, but you can also solve some of those levels Roedric Keep-style.
Not Bad, Obsidian
P.S. A weird recurring Tentacle-theme however, with two bosses and even a new spell for Wizard glorifying the