I thought the Engwithan teaching has an intellect or lore check to be successful. I don't remember the quest itself in details. But I didn't remember successfully speaking to the vampires in Od Nua either.
I spoke to the orlan slave in Stalwart, I'm disappointed that I didn't have a special response due to my own former slave status OR as a priest of Skaen. Also, what's up with the excessive amounts of VO lol.
I scaled it since my main char is level 9, literally got to that in the last fight on the 11th floor of Od Nua.
I play without the voice overs because I've found the voice acting to be between "meh" and "bad." For example, the first guy that talks to you when you enter Gilded Vale seems to have at least a somewhat understandable position when you just read the text, but when you listen to him talk he's acting like a cartoonish villain.
Still have to decide whom to sacrifice to the blood pool, who do you guys think is least likely to make a cameo in Deadfire?
At the end of PoE you also have a rather impressive set of earned talents, I wonder how much of those they will honor in the sequel.
I most expect Sagani to make a cameo, since we are near Naasitaq anyway (if not literally go there)
she's the most useful sacrifice, though.
Durance, Grieving Mother, probably all of WM's companions (I'm certain the Devil won't) and probably Hiravias I don't expect to have cameos.