In this, I usually separate between the story and storytelling. "The story" is the overreaching plot, the plotlines themselves and the core meaning that wants to be conveyed. "Storytelling" is the act of telling that story, the narrative pacing, the way it is all conveyed to the reader or listener.This whole story is not that bad, the game just features a very uneven and fairly uninspired narration. For the reasons that have been discussed already.
The story of PoE is perfectly fine. It is not amazing, but it's perfectly fine, and I think that it's solid as solid can be, really.
The storytelling, however, is pretty bad.
What grates at me is that it's only pretty bad because of a couple of key transitions that were clusterfucks, such as how the concepts of Watcher and Awakened is conveyed, the reason why you were going insane and how (it is not at all clear that it's because you're specifically an awakened watcher, and given that you're still an awakened watcher but is seemingly fine after the conclusion of the game makes this even more confusing), and the way you move from one narrative focus (Personal; Awakening/Insanity) to another (Greater; The Hollowborn & The Leaden Key).