...The mechanics to make the encounter are essentially present in the divinity engine as of the first Divinity Original Sin game. It's just using a lot of basic mechanics together to create a very interesting encounter.Doesn't BG3 have like a million times the budget of PoE or is that me being misinformed?
If I'm choosing between dialogue which, yes, essentially boils down to a very simple interaction but at least can have humongous variety in the ~*THEATER OF THE MIND FEELS*~ and sim-approximations in the vein of spamming elemental surfaces everywhere, I know where I land.
I see the appeal of DivOS' interactions, but for me they're also a clear warning about what happens when you try to approximate simulations instead of accepting that you're dealing with an abstracting and just building a robust system first - then try to make that system as inoffensive to verisimilitude as you can.
I just want to use science on computers without the game telling me exactly which one to use it on
That's not the Deus Ex-approach, that's the Fallout-approach, and it's essentially the same as a dialogue window, just more obtuse. I guess I don't personally care about which of those systems you use, but I don't see how one is totally P&P and interacting with the world and one is ding-dong-boring computer world. It's the same system, the only difference is how you bring up the window. It's essentially just a UI difference. It doesn't have any of the tabletop-implications you were talking about in my of your posts.