Not sure about a dedicated gun user, but re: rogues, I've played glass cannon rogues on POTD and their "shitness" is overstated unless you're just terrible at using them
This could very well be my problem. It could be that as melee characters, they need way more micromanaging than I was giving them credit for.
And these are nice, but they don't solve the fundamental problem of allowing you stay in the fight while continuing to dish out melee.
Have you tried equipping heavier armor?
Not particularly, no. I think my last melee Rogue (this was years ago) used the Jack of Wide Waters. I thought that was a good balance between DR and recovery which, as a two weapon fighter, I wanted to keep a low as possible. After that, upgrades went to things like Seven Skuldr's Worth or Scales of the Raven.
So I'm up to level 11 with my pistol rogue and as I wrote earlier, I think I just needed some more time with him. He's definitely more "playable" now but still, unfortunately, a little underwhelming.
I think it has to do with how a rogue is designed to do damage -- it's a combination of timing, accuracy, sneak attacking, stealth, and status effects on enemies. The problem with pistols is that it is much harder to take advantage of all these things in a way to maximize your damage output, because something is almost always going to be missing.
Sneak attack gives you a damage bonus if you 1) Attack a target with a list of status effects like Prone, Hobbled, etc. or 2) Attack within the first two seconds of combat. Backstab also offers a huge damage bonus but this can only be used from stealth or invisibility, which means it can only be used once per encounter (this is important, I'll get back to it). Then, you factor in some talents like Dirty/Vicious Fighting (turns some hits in crits). Finally, a talent like Deathblows will also increase your damage provided an enemy is afflicted with at least two conditions necessary to inflict a sneak attack (for example, an enemy must be Prone
and Blinded).
The first issue is that Backstab can only be used once per combat, because once broken stealth cannot be reentered. Now, there is a rogue talent called "Shadowing Beyond" that allows you to drop all engagement and turn invisible, and according to the talent description any attacks made from this invisible mode count as a Sneak attack . . . except, this doesn't work. I've tried it several times, and either the talent is bugged or I'm not doing it correctly. Attacking from the invisible state does NOT confer a sneak attack bonus, and it also does not confer a Backstab bonus (remember, Backstab is supposed to proc from stealth or invisibility). So this is kind of a fucking bummer. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or something the devs never fixed, or some other issue. I also can't believe I'm the first person to have encountered this issue but a quick search revealed no previous conversations about it anywhere else. So. Uh. That sucks?
The other issue is that Deathblows is a highly situational talent to begin with. Consider that you need two status afflictions on a target. Because we're using pistols, the length of time between attacks -- and therefore the length of time between status effect applications -- is a lot longer. It is hard to drop two status effects on a single enemy with the slow-firing pistol, because they don't last very long. The other option is to rely on status effects applied by your other party members. So for example, Eder knocks an enemy prone, and then you are flanking them. Sounds easy! And it is, with melee weapons -- especially fast melee weapons, and
especially fast melee weapons when you're dual wielding, since you have basically double the chance to hit.
But with pistols, it's a different story. They simply do not fire fast enough for you to hit the sweet spot between stacked status afflictions, especially if you are counting on you (the rogue) to apply one of them. It can happen sometimes, if you get lucky. But more often than not, these kind of tactics will only work on fights where you're clearly winning anyway, and therefore make little difference when you really need them. I should add that at this point in the game, I've cultivated several different methods to increase my firing speed including Gunner, the Chanter's spell that does it, and Gauntlets of Swift Action which I was lucky enough to get in a random drop. Even still, the pistol lags.
The end result: from what I can tell, even though the game offers a bevy of ways to boost damage for the rogue, the slow-firing pistol is not able to take much advantage of them.
Now of course, this could all be by design, since the base damage and DR bypass of pistols is quite high to begin with. It could be that the game's logic is simply this: what you lose in status affliction modifiers, you gain in raw damage from the pistol's natural punch. Okay! Fair enough. That's fine. But it takes some of the fun out of playing a rogue. The rogue is naturally a "spiky" damage dealer who dishes out crits once overlapping status effects and advantageous situations are both perfectly aligned. The pistol rogue is even more restrictive, effectively limiting your most damaging strike to highly specific circumstances: from stealth, relying on Sneak Attack and Backstab damage, and occasionally Dirty/Vicious fighting if it procs, and maybe just
maybe a Deathblows opportunity if you've managed to stay stealthed while Eder and one other party member have managed to double-stack status afflictions on a single target, who is also within your 2m limit remember! If you can line all that up, you can do an absolutely massive amount of damage. One single huge spike, in the beginning of combat, and then a respectable but much lower damage output after that. Whereas a dual wielding rogue, simply by virtue of his attack speed, will likely have mutliple high spikes in damage -- never reaching the truly astronomical single-shot damage output of our pistol rogue, but perhaps doing more overall damage simply owed to higher procs on crits, sneak attacks, etc.
So the pistol build has been a fun experiment and I might continue it at some point. But, I am determined to give Deadfire a serious try once again and before I jump in, I'll likely roll a Paladin, Monk, or Fighter to carry me through both games.
All of this has to done before Elden Ring comes out, I should add. God help me.