The latest patch has re-introduced the active effects removal bug. It's not caused by double clicking armor this time, and nobody knows what's causing it yet.
Just skimmed the last pages of this thread, and I came to an interesting conclusion. Obsidian's coding/QA is very orky. In fact, I'll just assume from now on that they have a bunch of grots doing that - suddenly, everything makes perfect sense
tales from the orkoffice...
Obsidian just got the latest edition of the Unity Engine. One of the coders yells 'DAT'S SOM SWEET DAKKA', and immediately sits down to punch random buttons on the computor. Tim Cain slaps him over the head with a wrench, saying 'OI, STOP MESSIN' ABOUT'. Then points to another programmer, 'MAKE SURE DA CODE'S ROIGHT SOIDE UP!'.
So they sit down and finally start working. Computors explode left and right, random bitz keep flying around, sounds of a typical garage.
And then they finally get the release version. Everyone just bends over the one computor left that actually has it, and someone remarks, 'dat's disappointin'...'. But nevertheless, it's released immediately to steam and gog, making another coder yell 'IT'S EVERY ORK FER HISSELF'.
Josh Sawyer sits in his office and sees people complain about the bugs on forums. Barges into the coders' orkshop yelling 'ZOG, ES LOIKE A MEATGROINDA'. To which Tim Cain just shrugs and says, 'better luck next time, boss'.