It is a sequel to a disappointing kickstarter game from a studio with a history of bad games. It will do the same as deadfire at best.Wasteland 3 will sell line shit on biscuit. Who the fuck will be exited about an inxile game? All of their games were boring mediocre flops. Nobody cares about them at this point.
well there's a chance it can sell if the devs scream at the tops of their lungs "ITS A STANDALONE GAME!!! YOU DON'T NEED TO PLAY PREVIOUS GAMES FOR IT!!!" or something.
Also apparently it has coop multiplayer and that was a feature a lot of players liked in D:OS 2, so who knows really?
It is a sequel to a disappointing kickstarter game from a studio with a history of bad games. It will do the same as deadfire at best.
I would agree for the most games,but i doubt that this game will have that effect. For it to be true there have to be player1,95% of CRPG fans do play this games for the singleplayer experience. Would you invite your CoD friend to come and play with you in Arcanum?It is a sequel to a disappointing kickstarter game from a studio with a history of bad games. It will do the same as deadfire at best.
Kinda agree with you, but I wouldn't underestimate the effect of coop multiplayer can have on total numbers (an example: Player 1 goes "hey we should play this together" to Player 2, where Player 2 normally wouldn't have bought the game because it looked too hard to figure it out alone, but now he has help from Player 1)
Mined SA's Deadfire thread for salt concerning Deadfire's confirmation as a financial failure, and Sawyer's finally spoken. tl;dr he's genuinely baffled
Josh Sawyer said:I would say that the original Pillars review numbers were higher than the game merited, but it's true that it's the highest-rated (on Metacritic) Obsidian game. The user reviews on MC aren't far behind. It was for that reason that much of my focus on Deadfire was on refining (or so I thought) things that were heavily criticized on the original game.
I would agree for the most games,but i doubt that this game will have that effect. For it to be true there have to be player1,95% of CRPG fans do play this games for the singleplayer experience. Would you invite your CoD friend to come and play with you in Arcanum?It is a sequel to a disappointing kickstarter game from a studio with a history of bad games. It will do the same as deadfire at best.
Kinda agree with you, but I wouldn't underestimate the effect of coop multiplayer can have on total numbers (an example: Player 1 goes "hey we should play this together" to Player 2, where Player 2 normally wouldn't have bought the game because it looked too hard to figure it out alone, but now he has help from Player 1)
Its flawed logic to extrapolate my reasons for not buying Deadfire to all of the other shlubs that backed the first PoE, but not the sequel, but I don't think I'm alone in my reasons.
The first game was like offering a man dying of thirst a glass of ice water, except that when you finally took a drink you realized it was more like boiled piss; better than dying of thirst, but you don't exactly go back for a second serving.
I just get the impression from PoE that Sawyer et al's perception of what made the Infinity engine games tick for most people was a total misread, or it was a bait and switch? They seemed to get the impression that what the first games were missing was an overly dry, turgid philosophical game with kludgy, nearly incomprehensible combat (visuals and kinesthetics), and post-modern sensibilities about culture shoe-horned into a psuedo-renaissance setting. Blech.
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice . . . Yadda, yadda, yadda.
I have no idea how many people played the co-op in that game. People always try to find what made X game a success,then they try to replicate it and fail. Nothing good comes from following fads. Such games are just one off because it is something new that addicts haven't seen. There is place only for a original and the second game that followed the fad fast and improved.I'm not sure that's true anymore. D:OS showed a lot of people seemed to be interested in coop. It's (as far as I could tell) a big part of why the game got more article time on some of the major sites (and why the game stayed fresher in the public consciousness)... and presumably is at least part of what then helped the sequel go nuts, sales-wise.
Maybe that other group of people aren't what we call CRPG fans, but they did buy D:OS/D:OS2, which is a CRPG, and co-op was part of that. That's what WL3 is trying to capitalize on. I don't think they'll succeed, but I can see why they'd try.
at least we will get a D&D turn based game.The ship has sailed, D:OS1&2 will become a de facto standard to which other titles are compared, and anybody who wants to have any hope to compete with that standard will probably aim for feature parity.
I'm not sure that's true anymore. D:OS showed a lot of people seemed to be interested in coop. It's (as far as I could tell) a big part of why the game got more article time on some of the major sites (and why the game stayed fresher in the public consciousness)... and presumably is at least part of what then helped the sequel go nuts, sales-wise.
While I don't know what this perception was, I am sure his perception of what needed improvement was a total misread - the combat system was already fine in the IE games to which PoE wanted to compare in that department. I didn't need the complete reinvention which Obsidian designed.I just get the impression from PoE that Sawyer et al's perception of what made the Infinity engine games tick for most people was a total misread
Tranny was also a fail but not mega because people didn't expect much of it.inXile, given that Deadfire is a Tides of Numenera-esque bomb and they haven't had a Bard's Tale IV-level bomb yet.Who's the bigger commercial failure, inXile or Obsidian?
yeah exactly
Round 1
Obsidian - Pillars of Eternity: Mega Success
inXile - Wasteland 2: Mega Success
Round 2
Obsidian - Tyranny: Below expectations but still profitable
inXile - Numenera: Mega Failure
Round 3
Obsidian - Deadfire: Mega Failure
inXile - Bard's Tale IV: Mega Failure
Is this picture wrong somehow?
Before you all sing too much of Kingmaker's praises I should note that the concurrent player retention they've had so far is only slightly better than Deadfire's. It's a financial success by having a far more reasonable budget (and Obsidian certainly wouldn't want its metacritic scores or its Steam user scores)
Fixed according to the perspective of Obsidian developers.The first game was criticized for the lack of LGBT characters, romances, ethnic accents and ship mechanics.
it was a (mild) success DESPITE these missteps.
So the correct course of action would have been to spend even less budget on the story and writing
it was a (mild) success DESPITE these missteps.So the correct course of action would have been to spend even less budget on the story and writing
The Codex I knew thought that the Bioware approach of "We didn't do this right so we should just cut it entirely" was lazy.