Doesn't matter, they rule the casual kingdom while Owlcat rules the grognard grotto, leaving Obsidian and inXile as has-beens without a home (Harebrained [perhaps wisely] abandoned this triple-i space for turn-based "tactical" pastures).
Obsidian has a home: AAA action RPGs (please Tim and Leonard, for the love of god, don't fuck up, amen).
In retrospect, making a labor intensive niche product in the most expensive city on earth may not be the greatest business model. I sort of understand why Feargus was hesitant to do the Kickstarter even when the company didn't have many other options. He knew better than anybody what kind of sales an isometric RTwP RPG generates when it does okay but not great. e.g. Tyranny's doing IWD2 numbers, but it sure as shit didn't have IWD2 costs.